All non-owner occupied dwellings and dwelling units shall comply with all provisions of this section, the International Property Maintenance Code as adopted in § 150.010, and all other applicable ordinance requirements. After inspection, all non-owner occupied dwellings and dwelling units in compliance with applicable ordinances shall receive a certificate of compliance consistent with the provisions of § 150.083. Those non-owner occupied dwellings and dwelling units that are not in compliance with applicable ordinances shall be brought into compliance within 30 days of the date of notice of the violations or by the renewal date, whichever occurs first, and a subsequent inspection scheduled to verify compliance. Upon request and submission of proof of extenuating circumstances, the code official may grant an extension to make the non-emergency repairs necessary to bring the property into compliance.
(Ord. , passed - -2013; Am. Ord. 2016-06, passed 9-6-2016 ; Am. Ord., passed 11-22-2022) Penalty, see § 150.999