(A)   It shall be the duty of the Department of Public Services and its representatives and/or employees to remove or cause to be removed all trees, shrubs or plants, planted upon the public right-of- way and public places within the city when, in his or her judgment, removal shall be beneficial to the peace, health and safety of the public, for public improvements or where the trees, shrubs or plants are detrimental to the growth of adjacent trees. The cost for removals shall be from funds provided from general taxation.
   (B)   Where an owner of property abutting a public right-of-way or public places within the city requests the removal of a tree, the Department of Public Services is authorized, in its sole discretion, to require as a condition of granting the approval for such removal, that such property owner make the removal in accordance with regulations established by the Department of Public Services, assume all or part of the costs or removing such tree, shrub or plant, and also require that the tree removed be replaced at some other approved location by planting another tree, not necessarily of the same type, or require sufficient funds to be placed in escrow, with the Department of Public Services to provide for future planting.
(Ord. 2010-4, passed 4-27-2010)