For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BLIGHT VIOLATION. Any unlawful act, or omission or failure to act, which is designated by this code as a blight violation pursuant to § 41(2) of the State Home Rule Cities Act, being M.C.L.A. § 117.4(2).
   CITY. The City of Hamtramck.
   CIVIL INFRACTION. An act or omission that is prohibited by the code enacted by the city, which is not a crime as defined in § 5 of the State Penal Code, being M.C.L.A. § 750.5, and for which civil sanctions may be ordered.
   CRIMINAL OFFENSE. A felony or misdemeanor as set forth in federal or state law of city ordinance, but does not mean a blight violation or civil infraction.
   PERSON. Any individual including, but not limited to, victims and witnesses of crimes.
   POLICE OFFICER. A sworn member or reserve member of the Police Department or any person acting upon the direction or any of these members of the Police Department.
   PUBLIC SERVANT. The City Manager, Mayor, members of the City Council, the City Clerk, any member of a city agency, board, commission or other voting body that is established by the City Charter and any appointee, any employee or any individual who provides services to the city within or outside of its offices or facilities pursuant to a personal services contract;
(Ord. 2008-1, passed 1-22-2008)