By the first of March each calendar year, the city council shall adopt a budget calendar that establishes deadlines for the preparation, review, and adoption phases for the ensuing fiscal year general, special revenue, enterprise, internal service, and debt service fund budgets.
As part of that resolution, the city council shall also adopt guidelines that the city manager shall follow in preparing the budget. At the time of this charter, the guidelines recommended by the Government Finance Officers Association are suggested.
As part of the budget adoption phase, the city council shall set all service fees for the ensuing fiscal year and adopt a five-year capital improvement plan, both of which may be amended during the fiscal year, provided that no action is taken until the city council by resolution gives notice of intention to make such changes at least six days before considering such changes.
All budgets shall be adopted by the city council no later than the second day of June each year in accordance with this charter and state law. No deficit budget shall be approved. All systems of accounting used by the City shall conform to the uniform system of accounts as required by law.