Whenever a penalty shall be incurred for the violation of any ordinance, and no provision shall be made for imprisonment of the offender upon conviction thereof, such penalty may be recovered in an action of debt. And when a corporation shall incur a penalty for the violation of any such ordinance, the same shall be sued for in one of the actions aforesaid. Prosecutions for violations of the ordinances of the City, may, in all cases, except against corporations, be commenced by warrant for the arrest of the offender. Such warrant shall be in the name of the People of the State of Michigan, and shall set forth the substance of the offense complained of, and shall be issued upon complaint made as provided for criminal cases cognizable by the appropriate court. The proceedings relating to the arrest and custody of the accused during the pendency of the suit, the pleadings in procuring the attendance and testimony of witnesses, and in rendition of judgments and the execution thereof, shall, except as otherwise provided by this charter, be governed by and conform, as nearly as may be, to the provisions of law regulating proceedings in criminal cases cognizable by the appropriate court.