Sec. 3-05   Candidates; statement of candidacy; filing, forms; petitions, signatures; restriction, inspection
   Any person desiring to become a candidate for any elective office in the City of Hamtramck, shall on or before the time provided by state law prior to the primary election, file with the city clerk an affidavit of identity.
   Each candidate shall at the time file a petition of at least twenty-five (25) and not more than fifty (50) registered voters, requesting such candidacy. Each petition shall be verified by one or more persons as to the qualifications, residence, and street number of each of the persons signing the petition, and the petition shall be in the form required by state law. In lieu of a petition, candidates may pay a one hundred dollar ($100.00) filing fee.
   It shall be unlawful for any person to sign more than one such nominating petition for the same office, except when there are two or more candidates to be elected for the same office, when he may sign as many petitions as there are persons to be elected for such office.
   The city clerk shall prepare and keep on hand blank forms of the nominating petitions, and shall furnish the petition, free of charge, for the use of the voters and candidates.
   All such nomination petitions shall be open to public inspection after being filed in the office of the city clerk in accordance with such rules and regulations as shall be prescribed by him and in conformance with state law.