A. The minimum lot dimensions for residential development shall be as follows:
1. Not less than eighty feet (80') wide at the established building setback line. (Ord. 01-25, 8-16-2001)
2. Not less than one hundred twenty feet (120') in average length. (Ord. 04-42, 11-4-2004)
3. Lots on the curved portion of cul-de-sac shall average forty five feet (45') wide at the front line with no front lot line less than forty feet (40') in width.
4. The minimum size of any lot shall be as described in chapter 6, "Zoning", of this code.
B. All lots shall abut on publicly dedicated streets.
C. Side lines of lots shall be approximately at right angles or radial to the street line.
D. Double frontage lots are prohibited except as follows:
1. Where lots back upon a primary street (major thoroughfare) and vehicular access between the lots and the thoroughfare is prohibited;
2. Where topography of the land might render subdividing otherwise unreasonable; and
3. Such lots shall have an additional depth of at least ten feet (10') in order to allow for a protective screen planting.
E. Lots abutting a watercourse, drainageway, channel or stream shall have additional minimum width or depth as required to provide an adequate building site and afford the minimum usable area required in the zoning ordinance for front, rear, and side yards. (Ord. 01-25, 8-16-2001)
F. Corner lots for residential use shall have not less than five feet (5') of extra width to permit full building setbacks on both streets. (Ord. 04-42, 11-4-2004)