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The water supply system shall be installed in accordance with the specifications of the village engineer.
   A.   House service connections shall be installed for each lot and shall be extended from the main to within one foot (1') of the right of way line of the property to be served.
   B.   A subdivision plat shall in no case be approved which shall be dependent upon individual private wells; except, however, a subdivision plat may be approved by the village board when it meets all of the following criteria:
      1.   The subdivided property is classified in any of the estate residential zoning districts.
      2.   No existing water main is within two thousand feet (2,000') of any boundary of the property included within the proposed subdivision.
      3.   The village board in its sole discretion finds, based on evidence submitted by the subdivider, that it is not economically feasible to extend the water main to the subject property.
      4.   The suitability of the subject property for use with private wells is evaluated and approved in accordance with all applicable procedures by the Kane County health department.
      5.   Any other conditions recommended to the village board by the village engineer. (Ord. 01-25, 8-16-2001)