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   A.   The procedure for conditional approval of a preliminary subdivision plan by the Planning and Zoning Commission is as follows:
      1.   Preliminary Plat: Following the pre-application conference on the concept, the subdivider shall prepare a preliminary plat, together with improvement plans and other supplementary material as specified in subsection B below:
         a.   In the event a proposed subdivision is one acre or less in area, the subdivider shall have the right to dispense with the preparation of the preliminary plat and to proceed directly with submission of the final plat.
         b.   In such case, the fee set forth in subsection A3 below shall be payable upon submission of the final plat.
      2.   Submission: An application in writing with three (3) copies of the preliminary plan shall be filed with the Planning and Zoning Commission secretary at least ten (10) days prior to the regular meeting at which the plan is to be considered.
         a.   Upon submission, the Zoning Administrator shall determine whether the preliminary plat is in proper form.
         b.   The Planning and Zoning Commission shall not receive or consider the application as filed until all documents are in accordance with the requirements set forth herein.
         c.   The application is to be accompanied by a statement from the Village Clerk that the filing fee has been paid as specified in subsection A3 below.
      3.   Fees: At the time of filing an application for conditional approval of a preliminary subdivision plan, the applicant shall deposit with the Village Clerk a cash amount, certified check or money order payable to the Village of Hampshire, as a subdivision fee, at such rate or rates as shall be established from time to time by the Village Board of Trustees.
      4.   General Factors For Consideration:
         a.   The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the following factors in reviewing the preliminary plan:
            (1)   "Specifications for Preliminary Plan", as set forth in subsection B of this Section;
            (2)   The Zoning Ordinance and the topography of the area;
            (3)   The general requirements of the neighborhood;
            (4)   The best use of the land to be subdivided; and,
            (5)   Specific requirements for parks, playgrounds, school sites, major streets, the adequacy of street connections and the suitability of land for development.
         b.   The preliminary plan will also be subject to the examination and comments to be submitted in writing to the Planning and Zoning Commission within thirty (30) days by:
         The Village Engineer;
         The chairman of the Planning and Zoning Committee;
         The Building and Zoning Officer; and,
         The Superintendent of Public Works.
      5.   Hearing: The Zoning Administrator shall notify in writing the subdivider or his representative of the time and place at which he will be heard on behalf of his application, and may notify by mail all immediately adjacent property owners.
      6.   Planning and Zoning Commission Conditional Approval:
         a.   Following review of the preliminary plan and other required material, and any negotiations with the subdivider on changes deemed advisable and the kind and extent of improvements to be made by him, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall, within sixty (60) days, or within such time as may be agreed by the applicant, act thereon as submitted or modified.
         b.   If approved, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall express its approval as a conditional approval, and shall state the conditions of such approval, if any, or
         c.   If disapproved, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall express the disapproval and its reasons therefor.
      7.   Notification: The action of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be noted on three (3) copies of the preliminary plan, referenced and attached to any conditions determined. One copy shall be returned to the subdivider, one copy forwarded with a report to the Village Board, and the other retained by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
      8.   Meaning Of Conditional Approval: Conditional approval of the preliminary plan shall not constitute approval of the final plan, but rather it shall be deemed an expression of approval to the layout submitted on the preliminary plan as a guide to the preparation of the final plan which will be submitted for approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission and for recording upon fulfillment of the requirements of these regulations and the conditions of the conditional approval, if any.
      9.   Village Board Conditional Approval: Upon receipt of the preliminary plan and reort from the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Village Board shall, within thirty (30) days, or within such time as may be agreed by the applicant,, upon motion and majority vote, conditionally approve or disapprove the preliminary plan and notify the Planning and Zoning Commission and the subdivider of its action.
      10.   Effective Period of Conditional Approval:
         a.   Conditional approval of the preliminary plan shall be effective for a maximum period of twelve (12) months, except that submission within this period of a final plat applying to a portion of the area covered by the preliminary plan shall extend the effective period of conditional approval to a maximum of twenty four (24) months from the date of submission of the preliminary plan.
         b.   If a final plan has not been submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission within these time limits, the Planning and Zoning Commission may require that the preliminary plan shall again be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for conditional approval.
   B.   Specifications For Preliminary Plan:
      1.   The preliminary plan shall contain the following:
         a.   Name of the proposed subdivision.
         b.   Evidence of ownership.
         c.   Name and address of owner, subdivider, and designer of preliminary plan.
         d.   Legal description of location.
         e.   Scale of the plan, which shall be one inch to one hundred feet (1" = 100') or larger, except that tracts of two hundred (200) acres or more may be drawn at a scale of one inch to two hundred feet (1" = 200').
         f.   Date and true north arrow.
         g.   Boundary lines of the subdivision with approximate length and bearing of lines.
         h.   The location, right of way, approximate gradients and names of streets or other public ways, easements, railroad and utility rights of way, both within the subdivision and those adjacent to or leading into the subdivision.
         i.   Layout, numbers and dimensions of lots and blocks.
         j.   Minimum front setback lines, with dimensions shown.
         k.   Location of land intended to be dedicated to public use or reserved in the deeds for the use of all property owners in the subdivision.
         l.   Utilities on or adjacent to the tract-location, including but not limited to:
            (1)   Size and invert elevation of sanitary, storm and combined sewers;
            (2)   Location and size of water mains;
            (3)   Location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles, and street lights;
            (4)   If water mains and sewers are not on or adjacent to the tract, direction, distance to and size of the nearest mains and sewers, showing invert elevation of sewers; and,
            (5)   Proposed methods for providing water, storm water and sanitary sewage facilities.
         m.   Contours at four foot (4') intervals except where topography of the tract demands larger contour intervals.
         n.   Surface conditions of the tract, including but not limited to: watercourses, marshes, rock outcrops, wooded areas, isolated preservable trees one foot (1') or more in diameter, houses, barns, shacks, highest flood level on watercourses, and other significant features.
         o.   Other conditions on adjacent land, including but not limited to:
            (1)   Approximate direction and gradient of ground slopes, including any embankments or retaining walls;
            (2)   Character and location of buildings; and,
            (3)   Railroads, power lines, towers and other nearby nonresidential land uses or adverse influences.
         p.   The names of owners of adjacent unplatted land.
         q.   The names of owners of immediately adjacent platted land, together with the subdivision plat by name, recording date and document number, approximate percent built, typical lot size, and dwelling type.
         r.   Proposed public improvements, including but not limited to:
            (1)   Location of highways or other major improvements planned by public authorities for future construction on or near the tract.
            (2)   Easements of not less than ten feet (10') for any and all public utilities where alleys are not provided; and,
            (3)   Proper continuity for the utilities from block to block.
      2.   Accompanying Documents:
         a.   Where the preliminary plan covers only part of the subdivider's entire holding, a sketch of the prospective street system of the unsubmitted part, showing also the connections with the street systems of the part included on the preliminary plan, shall be submitted.
         b.   A draft of protective covenants, whereby the subdivider proposes to regulate land use and otherwise protect the proposed development, shall be submitted. (1985 Code; amd. Ord. 21-15, 4-15-2021)