A. Because planned residential developments are of such substantially different character from other developments, specific and additional standards and exceptions are hereby established to govern review and approval of any application for establishment of a planned residential development district in the village.
1. General Purpose: A planned residential development is a privilege to be earned and not a right to be claimed simply by complying with the standards established in this article. The village may require any reasonable conditions or design considerations which will promote a development of benefit to the community. It is not intended that the village automatically grant the maximum use exceptions or density increase in the case of each planned residential development. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall recommend and the village board may grant only such increase or latitude which is consistent with the benefit accruing, in the judgment of the village, to the village as a result of the planned residential development. As a condition for approval, each proposed planned residential development district must be generally compatible with the character and objectives for the zoning regulations which would otherwise apply for the type(s) of uses proposed for the development, shall be at least fifty (50) acres in size, and shall be consistent with the objectives of the village's comprehensive land use plan.
2. Specific Purposes: Specific purposes of the planned residential development district procedures are:
a. To ensure the preservation of the natural beauty of the village.
b. To enhance the appearance of neighborhoods by the conservation of streams and points of natural beauty, thereby also preserving natural recreation areas for the residents of the village.
c. To preserve natural areas and open spaces, which give a sense of spaciousness in the village.
d. To counteract the effects of urban monotony and congestion in the streets in the village.
e. To encourage cooperative relationships between neighbors and participation by all age groups in the use and care of local open space tracts in new residential neighborhoods in the village.
f. To promote appropriate architecture between adjacent dwellings or institutional buildings, and to encourage the placement of structures in proper relationship to the natural characteristics of a site, including cluster development, where appropriate.
g. To control access points on thoroughfares and to separate pedestrian and automobile traffic in the village.
h. To evaluate proposed recreational and open space systems and bicycle/pedestrian system connections within any development and areas surrounding any proposed planned residential development to ensure system continuity.
B. It is the further purpose of this article to promote efficient land use patterns, which will preserve trees, wetlands and other natural resources; provide site amenities; and secure large parcels of permanent open space, characteristic of the village's existing natural environment.
C. These provisions are intended to encourage and accommodate more creative and imaginative design for land development than would otherwise be possible under the strict application of the provisions of the village's zoning and subdivision ordinances.
D. It is intended that implementation of this section will result in efficient land use patterns and, therefore, more economical land development, that will:
1. Foster high quality development by allowing flexibility in land use and design standards, thereby encouraging innovative site planning;
2. Promote more efficient land use patterns, which not only preserve open space and natural resources, but also provide for more economical networks of utilities, streets and other facilities, using traditional neighborhood development and/or smart growth objectives;
3. Promote diverse, high quality environments;
4. Foster the permanent preservation of open space and agricultural lands for the continued use and enjoyment of residents of each new neighborhood and the village;
5. Promote usable and suitably located public and private recreational facilities;
6. Encourage developers to provide amenities that enhance the quality of life, both within the planned residential development, as well as within the community as a whole;
7. Encourage a land use pattern, which promotes the public health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare; and
8. Allow more than one building per zoning lot, when determined to be of benefit to residents of a neighborhood. (Ord. 05-02, 2-10-2005; amd. Ord. 21-15, 4-15-2021)