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   A.   An LSBPD District may be established only by an amendment of the Village's official zoning map, approved in accord with the procedures set forth in subsection 6-14-3G of this chapter, and the procedures described in this article.
   B.   The following standards shall be considered by the Village when considering the establishment of any LSBPD District:
      1.   Site Characteristics: The suitability of the subject property for a Large Scale Business Planned Development with respect to its size, shape, and any existing improvements.
      2.   Sewer And Water: The suitability of the subject property for a Large Scale Business Planned Development with respect to the availability of adequate water, wastewater transmission and treatment, and stormwater control facilities.
      3.   Traffic And Parking: The suitability of the subject property for a Large Scale Business Planned Development with respect to the provision of safe and efficient on site and off site vehicular access and circulation designed to minimize traffic congestion.
         a.   Nonresidential land uses should be located central and accessible to the population served without requiring traffic movements through or into a nonresidential neighborhood. Nonresidential uses should not be located in residential neighborhoods, but on their periphery as defined by an arterial street system.
         b.   The number of locations for vehicular access to or from a public right-of-way should be limited to those which are necessary for the reasonable use of the property and consistent with current traffic engineering standards. Locations for vehicular access to or from a public right-of-way should be aligned directly opposite existing or approved locations across the street.
      4.   Zoning History: The suitability of the subject property for a Large Scale Business Planned Development with respect to the length of time the property has remained undeveloped or unused in its existing zoning district in the Village, if applicable.
      5.   Surrounding Land Use And Zoning: The suitability of the subject property for a Large Scale Business Planned Development with respect to consistency and compatibility with surrounding land use and zoning.
      6.   Trend Of Development: The suitability of the subject property for a Large Scale Business Planned Development with respect to its consistency with an existing pattern of development or an identifiable trend of development in the area.
      7.   Natural Preservation: The suitability of the subject property for a Large Scale Business Planned Development with respect to the preservation of all significant natural features therein, including topography, watercourses, wetlands, and vegetation.
      8.   Internal Land Use: The suitability of the subject property for a Large Scale Business Planned Development with respect to the proposed land uses being located, designed, and operated so as to exercise no undue detrimental influence on each other or on surrounding territory.
      9.   Planned Development Districts: The suitability of the subject property for a Large Scale Business Planned Development with respect to conformance to the provisions for the purpose and intent, and the location and size, of an LSBPD District.
      10.   Comprehensive Plan: The suitability of the subject property for a Large Scale Business Planned Development with respect to conformance to the goals, objectives, and policies of the official comprehensive plan of the Village. (Ord. 04-05, 2-19-2004)