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   A.   A "large scale business planned development" ("LSBPD" ) is a tract of land with the following characteristics:
      1.   To be developed as a unit, under single ownership, or under single, unified or coordinated control of its planning and development;
      2.   Consisting of not less than five hundred (500) acres of contiguous land; and
      3.   Consisting of areas to be devoted to two (2) or more principal uses, such as office, retail, industrial, and/or residential uses, such that it would otherwise be required to classify the property in two (2) or more standard zoning districts. Provided, that a minimum of sixty percent (60%) of its total gross acreage is devoted to business type uses, including, but not limited to, office, retail, commercial, service, research-development and industrial uses.
   B.   For purposes of this section, land separated by highways, streets, public ways, railroads, or other public rights of way may be deemed contiguous so as to qualify for inclusion in a large scale business planned development.
   C.   A portion or portions of a large scale business planned development may be transferred to another party to be developed in accord with a final development plan which has been approved in accord with the provisions of this article. (Ord. 04-05, 2-19-2004)