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   A.   Application: In the Interchange Overlay District, all applications for building, zoning or rezoning, and special permits shall require site plan review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approval by the Village Board. No construction permit shall be issued within the Overlay District until a site plan as required by this Section has been approved.
   B.   Review: The following shall require review of the Planning and Zoning Commission only, without approval by the Village Board:
      1.   Applications for permits necessary to structurally alter an existing building where such structural alteration results in an expansion of less than one thousand (1,000) square feet, or less than ten percent (10%) of the area of the existing building, whichever is greater;
      2.   Applications for permits necessary to acquire access or additional access to an arterial roadway;
      3.   Applications for certificates of occupancy for changes in use which result in an increase in off-street parking requirements.
   C.   Site Plan Submission Requirements: The following items shall accompany each application for site plan review:
      1.   A survey of property lines showing location of bordering streets and roads, and existing and approved access points.
      2.   Illustration on the site plan of the location of all trash receptacles, air conditioning and heating equipment, loading area, parking areas, lighting and an indication of the methods to be used to screen all such areas from all public views.
      3.   Location on the site plan of all on-site utilities. Such utilities shall be located under ground, unless required by the utility to be otherwise located.
      4.   A schematic landscape plan (at the time of final project submission).
         a.   The schematic landscape plan shall address each of the following issues:
            (1)   Screening requirements;
            (2)   Adequate landscaped islands in parking areas;
            (3)   Tree removal and replacement;
            (4)   Irrigation system;
            (5)   Retention and protection of endangered and valuable native trees;
            (6)   Use of shade trees, especially in the development of vehicular-use areas.
         b.   The detailed landscape plan must include the following:
            (1)   All existing trees and significant plant groupings, sizes, locations, species, identification and spacing noted;
            (2)   All proposed trees and plant materials, with sizes, locations, species, identification and spacing noted;
            (3)   All existing and proposed contours;
            (4)   All existing and proposed structures and vehicular-use areas, with sizes, square footage, materials and circulation noted;
            (5)   Proposed irrigation system layout;
            (6)   The relationship of the site to the surrounding land uses.
      5.   Exterior elevation drawings of buildings and other structures.
      6.   Building materials and color samples.
      7.   Sign location, materials, colors, size, shape and lighting.
      8.   Parking lot design and materials.
   D.   Development Standards:
      1.   Access and Egress Requirements:
         a.   The minimum distance between driveways must be two hundred feet (200'), unless precluded by the location of existing driveways on adjacent properties.
         b.   Access to arterial roadways may be prohibited from any property having access to a street intersecting with an arterial roadway, or any parcel with frontage on an arterial roadway which has access through an existing joint-use access easement or driveway.
         c.   Each separate use, grouping of attached buildings, or uses permitted as part of a single integrated plan, shall have not more than two (2) access points to any arterial roadway.
         d.   Each building or group of buildings and their parking or service area(s) shall be physically separated from the adjacent street by a curb, planting strip or other suitable barrier.
         e.   When conditions warrant, the Planning and Zoning Commission may require the proponent to dedicate and construct right-hand-turn lanes along interstate highway frontage roads to aid ingress-egress.
      2.   Loading And Truck Storage Areas:
         a.   No truck loading/unloading facilities shall be located on a building wall fronting on any arterial roadway. No truck trailer or tractor parking shall be located between the front building line and the front property line for any lot with frontage along an arterial roadway.
      3.   Landscape Requirements: Existence of vegetation establishes a strong overall visual impression of the Overlay District, giving it a special character, differentiating it from agricultural areas, while enhancing the countryside.
         a.   Tree Planting And Replacement: The following guidelines should be used to monitor the planting and replacement of trees destroyed or damaged during the development or redevelopment process:
            (1)   For each tree removed with a trunk greater in diameter than six inches (6"), measured at a point four and one-half feet (41/2') above ground level, or for each cluster of three (3) or more trees located within ten feet (10') of each other with trunk diameters greater than two inches (2"), the developer must plant a sufficient amount of native species of trees within disturbed areas that will reasonably compensate for the loss of existing trees.
            (2)   For all properties which front onto an arterial roadway, no clearing of vegetation shall be permitted within fifty feet (50') of the dedicated right of way.
            (3)   The planting or replacement of trees on a site shall ensure that, at maturity of ten (10) years after installation, minimum tree canopies or covers will provide ten percent (10%) tree canopy for each development site.
               (A)   Existing trees which are to be preserved may be included to meet all or part of the canopy requirements.
               (B)   Tree canopy or tree cover shall include all areas of coverage by plant material exceeding eight feet (8') in height.
         b.   Roadside Trees:
            (1)   Existing trees, within the right of way over five inches (5") in diameter, measured at a point four and one-half feet (41/2') above ground level should be retained to the greatest extent possible.
            (2)   Trees shall be planted no more than forty feet (40') apart along all public roadways.
            (3)   Roadside trees should be deciduous hardwoods, such as maple, oak, linden, sycamore, etc., (not conifers or flowering ornamentals), in order that a unified character may ultimately be created.
         c.   Buffer Yard And Screening Standards: Buffering and screening shall be provided where necessary to protect and enhance the character of the interchange area.
            (1)   Buffer Yard: A buffer yard consists of a strip of land with plantings which is reserved from development. Buffer yards are useful in protecting and enhancing the character of the interchange area, as well as minimizing the negative impact of incompatible uses. All uses proposed adjacent to a residential district shall be required to provide buffering. The following standards shall be applied to all development within the Interchange Overlay District:
               (A)   Where business development is proposed adjacent to a residential use, a side yard setback of fifty feet (50') and rear yard setback of one hundred feet (100') shall be observed for buildings, parking, and/or storage. This area shall serve as a buffer zone and shall consist of a landscaped area densely planted with a mixture of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs, and shall create an effective visual barrier. All trees shall be a minimum of three feet (3') diameter measured at a point four and one-half feet (41/2') above ground level when planted. Native trees and shrubs shall be planted wherever possible, in order to capture the "spirit of the locale" through indigenous species.
               (B)   In instances where healthy plant material exits on a site prior to its development, in part or in whole, the Planning Commission may adjust the application of the abovementioned standards to allow credit for such plant material if, in its opinion, such an adjustment is in keeping with and will preserve the intent of these standards.
            (2)   Screening: Open storage areas, exposed machinery, and outdoor areas used for the storage and collection of rubbish, must be visually screened from roads and surrounding land uses. Suitable types of screening include dense evergreen hedges of five feet (5') or more in height and opaque wood, stone, or brick fences.
         d.   Parking Lot Landscaping Standards:
            (1)   General Standards: The following standards shall apply to the installation and maintenance of all landscaping and screening in parking areas required by the provisions of this Section.
               (A)   All trees required by the provision of this Section shall be species normally classified as canopy or shade trees, and do not include trees commonly classified as understory or ornamental types. All trees shall have a minimum trunk height of six feet (6') (branching to start 6 feet above the parking pavement) and shall have a minimum three inches (3") diameter measured at a point four and one-half feet (41/2') above ground level at the time of planting. Evergreens shall be a minimum of six feet (6') in height when installed.
               (B)   Deciduous shrubs other than dwarf varieties shall be a minimum of three feet (3') in height and four feet (4') in height if used as a visual screen planting. Dwarf deciduous shrubs shall be a minimum height of eighteen inches (18"). Evergreen shrubs shall have a minimum spread of thirty inches (30"), unless used as a visual screen, in which case they shall also be a minimum height of four feet (4').
               (C)   Existing vegetation which is suitable for use in compliance with the requirements of this Section, and which is appropriately protected, may be used to provide planting and screening in accordance with the purpose and intent of this Section.
               (D)   When parking lots adjoin land zoned for residential use, there shall be an opaque barrier constructed to provide a separation between the two (2) uses. This can be achieved by a solid type fence no less than four feet (4') in height, or with densely planted shrubs and berms to provide a visual barrier. Berms shall not exceed a slope of 3:1. (Ord. 92-10, 10-1-1992; amd. Ord. 21-15, 4-15-2021)