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   A.   Additional Requirements: In addition to the requirements of Article XII, "Community Graphics", the following regulations shall apply to all uses within the Interchange Overlay District; provided, where there is a conflict between the regulations in Article XII and the Interchange Overlay District, the Interchange Overlay District regulations shall govern.
      1.   Definitions:
A sign which is mounted on a temporary shelter supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building.
A sign which is mounted on a permanently roofed shelter covering a sidewalk, driveway or other similar area, which shelter may be wholly supported by a building or may be wholly or partially supported by columns, poles or braces extended from the ground.
A sign designed to advertise to vehicular travelers on Interstate 90 for tourist-traveler destinations and uses located in the Overlay District, including hotels and motels, gas stations, truck stops and restaurants, so as to provide to such travelers adequate visibility from a business location within the Overlay District, within the size and height limitations prescribed in this Article.
   B.   Graphics Regulation by District: Graphics shall be restricted by zoning district as follows:
      1.   HC Highway Commercial District:
         a.   Freestanding Signs:
            (1)    No more than one freestanding ground sign, one freestanding highway identification pole sign and one freestanding pole sign shall be maintained on any one parcel of property two (2) acres or larger.
            (2)    No more than one freestanding ground sign shall be maintained on any one parcel of property less than two (2) acres.
            (3)   No freestanding pole sign shall exceed one hundred sixty five (165') square feet in sign surface area.
            (4)   No freestanding pole sign shall exceed twenty five (25') feet in height, measured from grade at the edge of the nearest right of way, from which access to the property is obtained, to the top of the sign.
            (5)   No freestanding ground sign shall exceed eighty (80) square feet in sign surface area.
            (6)   No freestanding ground sign shall exceed eight feet (8') in height, measured from grade at the edge of the nearest right of way, from which access to the property is obtained, to the top of the sign.
            (7)   No freestanding highway identification pole sign shall exceed one thousand twenty four (1024) square feet in sign surface area. For properties set back more than one thousand feet (1,000') from Interstate 90, the permitted sign area for freestanding highway identification signs may be increased by ten percent (10%).
            (8)   No freestanding highway identification pole sign shall exceed one hundred (100') feet in height, measured from grade at the edge of the nearest right of way, from which the property receives access, to the top of the sign.
         b.   Canopy Signs:
            (1)   No canopy sign shall project above the top of the canopy upon which it is mounted.
            (2)   Total canopy signage shall not exceed one hundred twenty (120) square feet in sign surface area.
         c.   Awning Signs:
            (1)   No awning sign shall project above the top of the awning upon which it is mounted.
            (2)   No awning signs shall project from the face of an awning.
            (3)   Total awning signage shall not exceed one hundred twenty (120) square feet in sign surface area.
         d.   Wall Signs:
            (1)   The number of wall signs to be permitted shall be as follows:
               (A)   One wall sign per retail, office or other user in a building, on each elevation of said building fronting a public street; and
               (B)   One additional wall sign per each such street frontage
            (2)   The total allowable sign surface area of any wall sign on any single building shall be calculated at either three (3) times the lineal front footage of the building face having a street frontage exposure, or the following maximum area requirements, depending on setback as described, whichever is less:
               (A)   Where the building is set back from the street less than two hundred feet (200'), one hundred fifty (150 s.f.) square feet maximum;
               (B)   Where the building is set back from the street two hundred feet (200') or more, but less than four hundred feet (400'), two hundred forty (240 s.f.) square feet maximum;
               (C)   Where the building is set back from the street four hundred feet (400') or more, four hundred eighty (480 s.f.) square feet maximum.
            (3)   The total allowable surface area of all wall signs on each street frontage of a building face having a street frontage exposure shall be no more than ten percent (10%) of the total area of the building face.
      2.   O-R Office-Research District and O-M Office and Restricted Manufacturing District:
         a.   Freestanding Signs:
            (1)   One freestanding ground sign may be erected at each major entrance to an office-research park. Such sign(s) shall identify the name of the office-research park. No such sign shall exceed forty (40) square feet in area or fifteen feet (15') in height or be located closer than ten feet (10') to property line.
            (2)   One freestanding ground sign identifying each building may be permitted for each detached building which houses a principal use within an office park. Such sign(s) shall be limited to identifying the name of the building and/or the individual enterprises located therein, the address, trademark or identifying symbol or any combination thereof. No such sign shall exceed twenty (20) square feet in area or eight feet (8') in height or be located closer than ten feet (10') to any property line.
            (3)   One freestanding ground directory sign may be permitted in close proximity to each major entrance of an office-research park. Such sign(s) shall be limited to identifying and providing directional information to individual enterprises located within the office-research park. No such sign shall exceed fifteen (15) square feet in area or eight feet (8') in height or be located closer than ten feet (10') to any property line.
   C.   Special Use Permit: The following additional regulations shall apply to signs accessory to the following uses, which shall require a special use permit:
      1.   Restaurant; Fast Food Restaurant:
         a.   Freestanding Signs: No more than one freestanding ground sign, one freestanding highway identification pole sign and one freestanding pole sign shall be maintained on any one parcel of property less than two (2) acres.
         b.   Restaurants shall comply with all other sign requirements of the Interchange Overlay District.
   D.   Development Signs in any District:
      1.   The owner of property located in the Interchange Overlay District may construct one "development identification sign" (as defined in Section 6-2-2) during the time a project is under construction on the subject property, in accord with the following regulations:
         a.   Any development sign must face the I-90 Illinois Toll Highway only.
         b.   No development sign shall utilize more than two (2) faces, each constituting not more than two hundred (200) square feet.
         c.   No development sign shall exceed fourteen feet (14') in height, measured from the ground to the top of the sign.
         d.   There shall be no more than one such sign for any development.
         e.   Any such development sign shall be set back not less than twenty feet (20') from the right of way of the I-90 Illinois Toll Highway, and not less than one hundred feet (100') from any exterior lot line of the development project.
         f.   Notwithstanding the duration of construction on the project, no special permit for such a sign shall be for a period greater than three (3) years, provided that such permit shall upon application filed prior to the end of the fist three-year period, may be extended for an additional period of not more than three (3) years, said application to be made and considered in accord with the special use procedure established in this Chapter.
         g.   In any event, no such development sign shall be permitted, and any such development sign shall be removed by the permit holder, upon completion of seventy five percent (75%) of the development project. For purposes of this Section, "completion of seventy five percent (75%) of the development project" shall mean issuance of an occupancy permit for not less than seventy five percent (75%) of the total square footage of the development or not less than seventy five percent (75%) of the number of structures in the development, whichever first occurs.
   E.   Prohibited Graphics:
      1.   Outdoor advertising signs, commonly referred to as billboards or poster panels. (Ord. 92-10, 10-1-1992; amd. Ord. 21-10, 4-1-2021; Ord. 22-23, 9-15-2022)