A. Appointment:
1. The Zoning Administrator shall be appointed by the Village Board of Trustees.
2. Such Board may designate the Village Clerk or other Village official as Zoning Administrator.
B. The Zoning Administrator and such deputies or assistants that have been, or shall be, duly appointed shall enforce this Chapter and in addition thereto, and in furtherance of such authority, shall:
1. Issue all zoning certificates and make and maintain records thereof.
2. Issue all certificates of occupancy, and make and maintain records thereof.
3. Conduct inspections of buildings, structures and use of land to determine compliance with the terms of this Chapter.
4. Maintain permanent and current records of this Chapter, including, but not limited to, all maps, amendments, conditional uses, variances, appeals and applications therefor.
5. Provide and maintain a public information bureau relative to all matters arising out of this Chapter.
6. Forward to the Planning and Zoning Commission, applications for appeals, variations, special uses, amendments, or other matters on which the Commission is required to pass under this Chapter.
7. Issue permits regulating the erection and use of tents for periods not to exceed ten (10) days for specific purpose such as: temporary carnivals, churches, charities or charitable uses, and revival meetings which are not detrimental to the public health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience or general welfare; provided, however, that said tents or operations are in conformance with all other ordinances and codes of the Village.
8. Initiate, direct, and review, from time to time, a study of the provisions of this Chapter, and make reports of its recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
C. Zoning Certificates:
1. A permit pertaining to the use of land or buildings shall be issued by any officer, department or employee on the following conditions:
a. The application for such permit shall be examined by the Zoning Administrator.
b. He shall affix to it his certificate, indicating that the proposed building or structure complies with all the provisions of this chapter.
2. Any permit or certificate of occupancy issued in conflict with the provisions of this chapter shall be null and void.
3. Every application for a zoning certificate shall be accompanied by the following items:
a. A plat, in duplicate, of the piece or parcel of land, lot, lots, block or blocks, or parts or portions thereof, drawn to scale showing the actual dimensions and monumenting, as certified by a "registered Illinois land surveyor", as a true copy of the piece or parcel, lot or lots, block or blocks, or portions thereof, according to the registered or recorded plat of such land; and
b. Additional drawings, in duplicate, drawn to a scale in such form as may, from time to time, be prescribed by the zoning administrator showing:
(1) The ground area, height, and bulk of the building or structure, the building lines in relation to lot lines;
(2) The use to be made of the building, structure or land; and
(3) Such other information as may be required by the zoning administrator for the proper enforcement of this chapter.
4. The zoning administrator may, in those cases where in his judgment the information is not necessary because of existing evidence in village records, waive all or portions of the requirements of subsections C3a and C3b of this section. (1985 Code)
D. Computation Of Time For Notice: For purposes of this article, time for publication of notice shall be computed by excluding the first day and including the last day unless the last day is Saturday or Sunday, or a holiday as defined or fixed in any statute now or hereafter in force in the state, and then it shall also be excluded. If the day succeeding such Saturday, Sunday or holiday is also a Saturday or Sunday or a holiday, then such succeeding day shall also be excluded. (1985 Code; amd. Ord. 06-51, 9-7-2006; Ord. 21-15, 4-15-2021)