A. The following types of graphics shall be permitted:
1. A sign mounted flush to a wall on the premises.
2. A sign freestanding on a pole or on the ground on the premises.
3. An accessory sign.
4. A temporary sign or attention getting device.
5. A sign under a marquee.
B. Sign flush mounted to a wall on the premises:
1. Flush mounted wall graphics may be attached flat to or pinned away from a wall.
a. Such graphics shall not project from the wall more than twelve inches (12").
b. In the case of a mansard roof, no sign shall project beyond that line established by that part of the roof which projects farthest from the wall supporting it.
c. No flush mounted sign shall extend above the roofline.
2. No wall sign shall be erected or maintained unless it meets all of the following requirements:
a. No more than one wall graphic per street front exposure shall be maintained on any one parcel of property or store front.
b. The total allowable sign surface area of any wall graphic on any single building shall be computed at three (3) times the lineal front footage of the building face having a street frontage exposure, or the following maximum area requirements, whichever is less:
(1) One hundred twenty (120) square feet maximum, where the building is set back less than two hundred feet (200');
(2) Two hundred forty (240) square feet maximum, where the building is set back two hundred feet (200') or more, but less than four hundred feet (400');
(3) Four hundred eighty (480) square feet maximum, where the building is set back four hundred feet (400') or more.
3. No flush-mounted graphic shall cover or interrupt major architectural features such as doors, exits, and windows.
4. If the graphic is enclosed by a box or outline, the total area of the graphic, including the background, is counted as part of the signable area.
C. Sign freestanding on a pole or on the ground on the premises:
1. No business establishment shall display a freestanding sign unless:
a. Said establishment is directly accessible by car and provides a minimum of four (4) parking spaces on the premises where such freestanding sign is displayed; and,
b. Said establishment is set back at least fifteen feet (15') from the nearest right of way.
2. No freestanding sign shall exceed sixty (60) square feet in sign surface area, except as otherwise provided in this Article.
3. No freestanding sign shall exceed five and one-half feet (51/2') in height, measured from grade at the edge of the nearest right of way to the top of the sign, except as otherwise provided in this Article.
4. No portion of a freestanding sign shall project over the property line or into the public right of way.
5. No more than one freestanding sign shall be maintained on any one parcel of property, with the following exceptions:
a. On a parcel with a minimum of three hundred feet (300') of street frontage, up to two (2) freestanding signs may be maintained;
b. On any such parcel, each freestanding sign shall not exceed five and one-half feet (51/2') in height, as set forth in subsection C3 above, and shall not exceed sixty (60) square feet in sign surface area; and,
c. On any such parcel, a minimum spacing of one hundred feet (100') shall be maintained between said signs.
6. A one hundred foot (100') separation shall be maintained between all freestanding signs wherever physically possible, measured parallel to the direction of travel on the adjacent street.
D. Accessory Signs:
1. A service station shall be permitted one exterior rate or price sign for each street front exposure on the following conditions:
a. The dimensions of each such sign shall not exceed ten (10) square feet;
b. Such signs shall be portable and shall state the price completely when displayed;
c. No other portable signs, as defined in this Article, shall be permitted; and,
d. A temporary sign may be permitted in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Article.
2. A shopping center shall be allowed one identification sign, which may be illuminated on each street front exposure, in addition to any sign otherwise permitted by the terms of this Article for the individual businesses therein, provided as follows:
a. For purposes of this Article, "shopping center" means a grouping of commercial uses and/or buildings either under single, joint or separate ownership designed and developed to offer a safe, efficient, and attractive shopping area, usually with common off-street parking areas, a pedestrian mall, controlled access and uniform, compatible signing.
b. A shopping center sign shall not extend beyond the property line or into the right of way and shall be used solely to identify the shopping center or shopping area.
c. A shopping center sign shall comply with all the requirements set forth in this Article, except:
(1) In a unified shopping center, interior stores not having a street front exposure shall be permitted to maintain one flush-mounted sign in accordance with subsection B of this Section.
E. Temporary Signs And Attention-Getting Devices:
1. A temporary sign or attention-getting device is permitted for a special promotion, including a special community activity, a grand opening event, an annual sale, or a special activity of a nonprofit organization, subject to the following limitations:
a. A temporary sign permit shall be limited to a period not to exceed thirty (30) days;
b. Not more than two (2) permits shall be issued within a twelve (12) month period;
c. One additional permit shall be permitted for a grand opening in the case of substantial new construction, or a permitted change in ownership or operation of an existing use;
d. The duration of a temporary permit may be extended by the enforcement official, where a temporary sign is being used in lieu of a permitted sign otherwise permitted under this Article, and where the applicant files satisfactory proof showing that a permitted sign meeting the requirements of this Article will be erected within a reasonable period of time.
e. No temporary sign shall contain any advertisement of any business, industry, or pursuit not conducted on or in the premises on which such sign is erected or maintained; and,
f. A temporary sign shall be placed not less than eight feet (8') from the nearest edge of a right of way or property line.
F. A sign under a marquee shall be permitted as follows:
1. One sign located under a marquee shall be permitted for each business in a building.
2. The total sign area shall not exceed six (6) square feet.
3. The width of any sign shall not exceed the width of the horizontal marquee projection.
4. No under-marquee sign shall project more than eighteen inches (18") from any canopy or other such structure.
5. There shall be a minimum of eight feet (8') of clearance between the ground and any such sign.
6. The permitted wall sign area and/or freestanding sign area shall be reduced for each square foot, or portion thereof, of sign area devoted to under-marquee signs.
G. Projecting Signs:
1. Projecting signs shall be permitted only in the Downtown Special Graphics Area, defined as those properties fronting on the following streets, inclusive of the intersections of these roadways:
a. State Street from Allen Road to Jackson Avenue;
b. Washington Avenue from State Street to Elm Street;
c. Jefferson Avenue from Park Street to Elm Street; and
d. Rinn Avenue from Park Street to State Street.
2. No more than one (1) projecting sign shall be permitted per building face, subject to the following requirements:
a. No projecting sign or sign-mounting structure shall extend above the height of the building face.
b. When placed partly or wholly above a public right-of-way or sidewalk, or a private walkway, no part of any projecting sign or sign-mounting structure shall be less than seven feet four inches (7'4") above the adjacent ground surface.
c. No projecting sign or sign-mounting structure may project more than five feet (5') from the building face; provided, the farthest projecting point of any projecting sign shall be set back not less than four feet (4') from any adjacent curb, street, alley, driveway, or parking space measured perpendicularly from such farthest projecting point to the adjacent ground surface of any such curb, street, alley, driveway, or parking space.
d. No projecting sign shall exceed ten (10) square feet in surface area.
e. If the projecting sign is enclosed by a box or any other material serving to contain the sign, said box or other material shall be included when calculating the total area of the graphic.
3. No projecting sign shall be internally illuminated or, except as otherwise allowed as part of the sign structure under § 6-12-7(D), emit any light from any source.
4. A projecting sign shall include only the following as part of its graphic design:
a. Business name;
b. Business owner name;
c. Business logo; and
d. Year of establishment (e.g., "Established 1990").
5. No projecting sign shall include changeable copy of any kind.
6. Projecting signs and sign-mounting structures shall be safely and securely attached to the building face, as determined by the Village's building official.
7. No projecting sign shall in any way obstruct any major architectural feature of the building to which it is attached, such as a door, exit, or window. (1985 Code; amd. Ord. 22-29, 10-20-2022)