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   A.   General Purposes:
      1.   Provide for small scale office facilities offering personal services of a professional nature which typically generate less vehicular traffic and require less visibility and accessibility from major arterial streets than other commercial uses.
      2.   Permit the development of small scale office facilities in areas unsuitable for other commercial uses, or residential or industrial uses.
      3.   Provide for a buffer between residential uses and other commercial or industrial uses.
   B.   Permitted Uses: In a B-4 Office Business District, the only permitted uses shall be as follows:
   Building-mounted and building-integrated Solar Energy Systems, as defined in and subject to the restrictions set forth in chapter 5, article XVIII of this Code.
   Medical laboratories and pharmacies, limited to the sale of prescription drugs, only when operated in conjunction with a medical office complex.
   Offices: business, bank, professional, and public, including lawyer, physician, dentist, architect, professional engineer, accountant, real estate and insurance agents, but expressly excluding massage therapy establishments.
   Temporary buildings for construction purposes, for a period not to exceed the duration of such construction.
   Accessory uses to the above permitted uses, including off street parking and off street loading.
   Other office uses substantially similar to the permitted uses in this district as determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission after notice and hearing as in the case of variations.
   C.   Special Uses: In the B-4 Office Business District, the following special uses shall be allowed:
   Dance studios.
   Daycare centers.
   Drive-in banks.
   Libraries, branch.
   Massage therapy establishments.
   Off street parking.
   Planned unit developments for office purposes.
   Post Offices, branch.
   Public utility and public service uses, including:
      Electrical substation and distribution center.
      Telephone exchanges, microwave relay towers and telephone transmission equipment buildings.
   Wind energy systems, as defined in and subject to the restrictions set forth in chapter 5, article XVII of this Code.
   Accessory uses to the above special uses including off street parking and off street loading.
   D.   Requirements: In a B-4 Office Business District, the following requirements shall apply:
      1.   Floor area ratio shall not exceed 0.5.
      2.   Building height shall not be greater than thirty feet (30') above grade.
      3.   All yards shall be as provided in the R-2 District, under subsections 6-7-2C6 through C9 of this chapter; provided any rear yard shall be effectively screened by a solid wall or fence; or by a densely planted, compacted hedge not less than five feet (5') nor more than six feet (6') in height; or by any combination of wall, fence and hedge.
      4.   Off street loading shall be provided in accordance with provisions set forth in article XI of this chapter.
      5.   Off street parking shall be provided in accordance with provisions set forth in article XI of this chapter. (Ord. 90-2, 4-5-1990; amd. Ord. 10-24, 10-21-2010; Ord. 11-20, 9-1-2011; Ord. 18-38, 11-1-2018; Ord. 21-15, 4-15-2021)