A. Permitted Uses: In an E-3 District the only uses permitted are as follows:
Any use permitted in the E-1 and E-2 Districts.
Building-mounted and building-integrated Solar Energy Systems, as defined in and subject to the restrictions set forth in chapter 5, article XVIII of this Code.
Single-family residence, each one on a building lot or tract of not less than one hundred thirty two feet (132') of average width and one and one-fourth (11/4) acres in area, not including any portion of any public or private highway, street or alley, excepting any smaller lot or parcel of land of public record on the adoption date of this chapter, as amended or subsequently officially recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and approved by the Board of Trustees.
B. Special Uses: In an E-3 District, the following special uses may be allowed:
Wind energy systems, as defined in and subject to the restrictions set forth in chapter 5, article XVII of this Code.
C. Prohibited: Those activities and structures prohibited in the E-1 District are expressly prohibited herein. (1985 Code; amd. Ord. 11-20, 9-1-2011; Ord. 18-38, 11-1-2018; Ord. 21-15, 4-15-2021)
A. In an R-1 Residence District the only permitted uses are as follows:
Building-mounted and building-integrated Solar Energy Systems, as defined in and subject to the restrictions set forth in chapter 5, article XVIII of this Code.
Elementary, junior high and high (all nonboarding) schools.
Parks and playgrounds which are publicly owned and operated.
Single-family detached dwellings.
Temporary buildings for construction purposes, for a period not to exceed one year, renewable yearly.
Accessory uses to the above permitted uses including, but not limited to, off street parking and off street loading.
B. In an R-1 Residence District the only special uses are as follows:
Art galleries and museums.
Colleges, universities and uses accessory and incidental thereto, excluding colleges or trade schools operated for profit.
Convents, monasteries and seminaries.
Fire stations.
Golf courses, excluding commercially operated driving ranges, miniature golf courses or lighted par 3 golf courses for night play.
Growing of farm crops in the open, including truck gardens and nurseries, provided that no livestock or poultry are kept, and no offensive odors or dusts are created, and further provided that no retail sales are conducted from a store or stand erected or maintained on the premises.
Parks and playgrounds which are privately owned and operated.
Police stations.
Wind energy systems, as defined in and subject to the restrictions set forth in chapter 5, article XVII of this Code.
C. In an R-1 Single-Family Residence District the following requirements apply:
1. Lot area shall be not less than eighteen thousand (18,000) square feet.
2. Lot width shall be not less than one hundred twenty feet (120') at the buildable area.
3. Floor area ratio for all nonresidential permitted uses and special uses shall not exceed 0.5.
4. Building height for single-family dwelling uses shall not exceed two and one-half (21/2) stories or thirty feet (30'), whichever is lower.
5. Ground floor area per dwelling shall be as follows:
a. For a one-story dwelling without cellar, not less than one thousand six hundred (1,600) square feet.
b. For a one-story dwelling with cellar, not less than one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet.
c. For a dwelling having more than one story, not less than one thousand (1,000) square feet.
6. Front yard for single-family dwelling use shall be not less than forty feet (40') in depth.
7. Side yards for single-family dwelling use shall be as follows:
a. There shall be two (2) side yards, with a combined width of not less than twenty feet (20'), and each not less than ten feet (10') in width.
b. A side yard abutting a street shall not be less than twenty feet (20') wide.
c. If a corner lot, subdivided and duly recorded on the effective date of this chapter, has insufficient width to provide such yard of twenty feet (20'), and still to maintain a buildable width of forty feet (40'), including the side yard along the opposite side lot line, then the side yard abutting the street may be reduced in width by the distance necessary to maintain a buildable width of forty feet (40'), provided the side yard abutting a street is not reduced to less than twenty five percent (25%) of the width of the lot.
8. Rear yard for single-family dwelling uses shall be not less than fifty feet (50') in depth.
9. Yards for nonresidential permitted uses and special uses shall be as follows:
a. For buildings less than thirty feet (30') in height, the front, side, and rear yards shall be as required for single- family dwelling uses.
b. For a building thirty feet (30') or more in height, each yard - front, side and rear, as required for single-family dwellings - shall be increased in width or depth by two feet (2') for each additional one foot (1') of building height over thirty feet (30').
10. Off street loading for nonresidential permitted uses and special uses shall be provided in accordance with provisions set forth in article XI of this chapter.
11. Off street parking shall be provided in accordance with provisions set forth in article XI of this chapter. (1985 Code; amd. Ord. 03-01, 4-3-2003; Ord. 11-20, 9-1-2011; Ord. 18-38, 11-1-2018; Ord. 22-11, 6-2-2022)