A. The following buildings, structures and uses shall be exempted from the amortization periods set forth in this Article IV:
1. Any building, structure or use lawfully established on the effective date of this Chapter which shall be nonconforming solely with respect to the standards prescribed in this Zoning Chapter for any of the following:
a. Floor area ratio;
b. Yards - front, side, rear, or transitional;
c. Lot area per dwelling unit;
d. Lot width;
e. Ground floor area per dwelling;
f. Gross floor area;
g. Building height; or
h. Off-street parking or off-street loading spaces.
2. Any building, structure or use lawfully established on the effective date of this Chapter and located in any manufacturing district.
3. Any dwelling or dwelling unit, lawfully existing on the effective date of this Zoning Chapter.
4. Any building, structure, or use located in a business district, provided that it is a permitted building, structure or use in any business district described in this Zoning Chapter.
B. For the purposes of this Article IV, a building or structure lawfully constructed or established on the effective date of this Zoning Chapter shall be deemed to include any building or structure for which a building permit has been lawfully issued prior to such date, and on which construction is begun within the required period of time as set forth in this Chapter.
C. For purposes of this Article IV, no building, structure, or use lawfully established on the effective date of this Chapter and located in any manufacturing district shall be considered nonconforming solely with respect to the location of off-street loading berths in a front yard or a side yard adjoining a street, and with respect to such off-street loading berths being less than fifty feet (50') in length but not less than twenty seven feet (27') in length. (1985 Code)