A. Any building or structure, all or substantially all of which is designed or intended for a use not permitted in the district in which it is located, shall be removed, and its use thereafter shall cease, or shall be converted to a building or structure designed or intended for a use permitted in the district in which it is located.
B. Such elimination of nonconforming buildings and structures shall be in accordance with the following conditions and amortization schedules:
1. Residence Districts And Estate Districts: Any building or structure which is located in any estate or residence district, and all or substantially all of which is designed or intended for a use permitted only in a business or manufacturing district, shall be removed or it shall be altered and converted to a building or structure designed for a use permitted in the district in which it is located within six (6) months after the termination of the respective period of time established in subsection B3 of this Section.
2. Business Districts: Any building or structure which is located in a B1 or B2 District and which is designed or intended for a use permitted only in a manufacturing district, shall be removed or shall be altered, remodeled, or converted to a permitted use within six (6) months after the termination of the life of such building or structure, which is established in subsection B3 of this Section.
3. Amortization Schedule:
a. A building or structure with an assessed valuation on the effective date of this Zoning Chapter over five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), but not more than thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00), shall be amortized in accordance with its type of construction, as follows:
(1) Fireproof Construction And Noncombustible Construction: Forty (40) years from the date of building permit or twenty five (25) years from effective date of this Zoning Chapter, whichever last occurs.
(2) Exterior Masonry Wall Construction: Thirty (30) years from the date of building permit or twenty (20) years from effective date of this Zoning Chapter, whichever last occurs.
(3) Frame Construction: Twenty (20) years from the date of building permit or ten (10) years from effective date of this Zoning Chapter, whichever last occurs.
b. A building or structure with an assessed valuation on the effective date of this Zoning Chapter over two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), but not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), shall be amortized as follows:
(1) Eight (8) years from the date of building permit or ten (10) years from effective date of this Zoning Chapter, whichever last occurs.
c. A building or structure with an assessed valuation on the effective date of this Zoning Chapter under two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), shall be amortized as follows:
(1) Four (4) years from the date of building permit or two (2) years from effective date of this Zoning Chapter, whichever last occurs. (1985 Code)