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   A.   The purposes of this Chapter are as follows:
      1.   Promoting the public health, safety, comfort, morals, convenience, and general welfare.
      2.   Securing adequate light, pure air, and safety from fire and other dangers.
      3.   Conserving the taxable value of land and buildings throughout the Village of Hampshire.
   B.   To these ends this Chapter is designed to set up and accomplish certain standards and objectives by the following means:
      1.   Dividing the entire Village of Hampshire into districts and restricting and regulating therein the location, construction, reconstruction, alteration, and use of buildings, structures, and land, whether for residence, business, manufacturing or other specified uses.
      2.   Avoiding or lessening congestion in the public streets.
      3.   Preventing the overcrowding of land through regulating and limiting the height and bulk of buildings thereafter erected as related to land area.
      4.   Establishing, regulating, and limiting the building or setback lines on or along streets, alleys, or property lines.
      5.   Regulating and limiting the intensity of the use of lot areas, and regulating and determining the area of open spaces within and surrounding such buildings.
      6.   Establishing standards to which buildings or structures therein shall conform.
      7.   Prohibiting uses, buildings, or structures incompatible with the character of the established zoning districts.
      8.   Preventing additions to and alterations or remodeling of existing buildings or structures in such a way as to avoid the restrictions and limitations imposed hereunder.
      9.   Providing for the gradual elimination of those uses, buildings, and structures which are incompatible with the character of the districts in which they are made or located, including, without being limited thereto:
         a.   Elimination of such uses of unimproved lands or lot areas when existing rights or the persons in possession thereof are terminated or when the uses to which they are devoted are discontinued;
         b.   Elimination of uses to which such buildings and structures are devoted if they are adaptable for permitted uses; and
         c.   Elimination of such buildings and structures when they are destroyed or damaged in major part, or when they have reached the age fixed by the Village Board as the normal useful life of such buildings or structures.
      10.   Providing for the acquisition by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise of any buildings or structures which do not conform to the standards fixed by the Village of Hampshire.
      11.   Defining and limiting the powers and duties of the administrative officers and bodies as provided herein.
      12.   Prescribing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this Chapter or of any amendment hereto. (1985 Code)