§ 275-31. Purpose and intent; water conservation methods.
   A.   It is hereby declared that the pubic health, safety and welfare require that the Town of Hammonton maximize the beneficial use of its available natural resources and that the water or unreasonable use or unreasonable method of use of water be prevented. The conservation of such potable water resource is to be extended with a view to the reasonable and beneficial use thereof as is necessary for sanitary, domestic and fire-fighting purposes in the interests of the people of the Town of Hammonton. Each resident and business within the Town of Hammonton connected to the public water supply is encouraged to support and use water conservation measures throughout the year in order to preserve and protect this valuable commodity. The Water Superintendent of the Town of Hammonton will provide pubic notice during the year listing various methods that the general public and business sector can use to conserve water use for the benefit of all.
   B.   Listed below are some of the measures that should be used to conserve water:
      (1)   Check regularly to make sure all pipes, faucets, toilets and other systems and equipment are free of leaks and drips.
      (2)   Water lawn no more frequently than every other day and limit irrigation time to 30 minutes within each zone. (See Subsection B(10) below for specific restrictions during the months of June, July, August and September.)
      (3)   Install rain sensor gauges to lawn sprinkler systems to prevent irrigation during rain events.
      (4)   Install drip irrigation where possible within landscaped areas to avoid excessive water use.
      (5)   Install low-volume toilets.
      (6)   Install low-flow shower heads.
      (7)   All faucets should be equipped with aerators. Aerator screens should be cleaned on a regular basis.
      (8)   Use water intermittently when brushing teeth and washing dishes and utensils.
      (9)   Run dishwashers and washing machines only with full loads.
      (10)   During the months of June, July, August and September, the following lawn irrigation practices (manual and automatic) shall apply.
         (a)   House numbers ending in an even number: lawns may be irrigated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
         (b)   House numbers ending in an odd number: lawns may be irrigated on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
         (c)   Lawn irrigation systems shall not be used on Sundays.
         (d)   In the event of a rain event producing precipitation in excess of 0.75 inch within a twenty-four-hour period preceding the designated irrigation day, lawn irrigation systems shall not be utilized.
         (e)   Installation of al new automatic lawn irrigation systems must include the installation of a rain sensor gauge in order to conserve public water.
         (f)   Lawn irrigation systems should be periodically checked to ensure that excess watering does not result in the flow of water into the street gutterline or onto adjacent properties.