§ 274-2. Emergency aid to neighboring municipalities.
   The Hammonton fire companies by their proper officers and members, the Hammonton Rescue Squad by its proper officers and members, the Hammonton Highway Department by its proper supervisors and workers and the Hammonton Police Department by its proper supervisors and workers may, from time to time, in case of emergency, take said fire apparatus, fire-fighting equipment and vehicles, emergency apparatus, equipment and vehicles, highway apparatus, equipment and vehicles and police apparatus, equipment and vehicles into any neighboring municipality to render aid in the event of an emergency, when such aid shall have been requested by the officials of such neighboring municipality or by the officers of the Fire Department thereof; provided, however, that such municipality or the Fire Department thereof shall have agreed to bring its fire apparatus, fire-fighting equipment and vehicles, emergency apparatus, equipment and vehicles, highway equipment and vehicles and police apparatus, equipment and vehicles into said Town of Hammonton, in case of emergency, to render aid in an emergency, whenever such aid may have been requested by the officials of this town or the officers of this town's fire company.