§ 267-14. Standards for consideration.
   The following standards and conditions shall be used by the appropriate review:
   A.   The necessity to remove trees which pose a safety hazard to pedestrian or vehicular traffic or threaten to cause disruption of public services.
   B.   The necessity to remove trees which pose a safety hazard to buildings.
   C.   The necessity to remove diseased trees; trees infested with destructive insects liable to infect the healthy trees on adjacent property; or trees weakened by age, storms, fire or other injury.
   D.   The necessity to observe good forestry practices, i.e., the number of healthy trees that a given parcel of land will support, when documented by a report prepared on behalf of the developer by a qualified professional forester or a registered landscape architect.
   E.   The necessity for compliance with other codes, such as zoning and subdivision regulations and health and other environmental ordinances.
   F.   The necessity to preserve a fifty-foot tree buffer zone at the edge of a stream, wetlands or other similar bodies of water.
   G.   The necessity to preserve an adequate buffer zone of trees and shrubs around multiple-dwelling areas, cluster developments and commercial or industrial establishments to screen for noise, sight, aesthetic value and/or size or height of buildings.
   H.   The necessity to prohibit tree removal from any slope if it will contribute, in the opinion of the Planning Board, Environmental Commission, Building Inspector or Town Engineer, to extra runoff of surface water onto adjoining properties and erosion and silting, unless other means approved by the Planning Board are provided to prevent runoff and erosion.
   I.   The necessity to preserve healthy trees that are special by virtue of history, unusual size or age or are of a rare species.
   J.   Other conditions which, in the judgment of the Environmental Commission, warrant consideration.