§ 267-1. Permit required for certain acts.
   No person, firm or corporation shall do or cause to be done any of the following acts upon a public right-of-way within the Town of Hammonton without the written permission of the Environmental Commission:
   A.   Cut, trim, break, climb with spikes, disturb the roots of or otherwise injure, spray with any chemical or remove any living tree or shrub; or injure, misuse or remove any structure or device placed to support or protect such tree or shrub.
   B.   Plant any tree or shrub.
   C.   Fasten any rope, wire, electric attachments, sign or other device to a tree or shrub or to any guard about such tree or shrub.
   D.   Close or obstruct any open space provided about the base of a tree or shrub to permit the access of air, water or fertilizer to the roots of such tree or shrub.