§ 264-5. Trailer camp and trailer license fees.
   A.   The annual license fee for each trailer camp containing five trailer spaces or less shall be $100; for each additional five trailer spaces or fraction thereof, there shall be an additional annual fee of $25, said fees to be paid in advance.
   B.   The annual license fee for parking each trailer in a trailer camp shall be $50 per trailer, payable in advance.
   C.   The above-mentioned fees are hereby deemed necessary in order to collect sufficient revenue to pay the additional cost and expense to the Town of Hammonton by reason of the inspection of same by the agents of the Town of Hammonton; and the additional cost to said town for:
      (1)   The use of its water and sewer system, if at all;
      (2)   The fire protection and police protection to be furnished to the said trailer camps; and
      (3)   The maintenance of the educational facilities which would be furnished to the occupants of said trailers.