§ 230-2. Definitions.
   As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
   Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind that requests permission to apply sludge or sludge-derived materials to any land or for any purpose in the Town of Hammonton.
   All or any methods used for the cultivation of land, growing crops or animals which have been determined to be the best practicable method to be used for the practice in question, as recommended by the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Atlantic County or the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
   The Comprehensive Management Plan and amendments adopted by the Pinelands Commission pursuant to Section 7 of the Pinelands Protection Act, to be cited as N.J.A.C. 7:50-1 et seq.
   A written plan that outlines and details those conservation practices that will be incorporated and utilized to protect to the maximum extent practicable all the natural resources on the land in question, in accordance with the requirements of the Pinelands CMP, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, the Cape Atlantic Soil Conservation District and the Town Council of the Town of Hammonton or the Town Council's designees.
   A parcel of open ground suitable for pasturage or tillage which is an active agricultural operation, located outside the Preservation Area Zone, in common ownership and usually surrounded on one to four sides by a hedgerow, stone wall, farm road or other demarcation separating it from like areas.
   The controlled discharge of materials onto or into the soil surface or any other surface in such a manner that the materials are treated by, become incorporated into or are blended with the soil or other surface upon which they are placed in conformance with N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.79(b).
   A measure of the relative acidity of a soil for the purpose of growing crops.
   A sample that stands for and fairly corresponds to the whole and taken in accordance with recognized sampling procedures as accepted by the USEPA and the NJDEP.
   A scientific analysis of the soil to determine the amounts of nutrients which are available for use by the various crops which could be grown in the soil in question.
   Solid residue and associated liquid resulting from physical, chemical or biological treatment of wastewater. Sludge includes but is not limited to sewer sludge and nonhazardous industrial/commercial wastewater sludge.
   Any solid or liquid material which contains sludge or sludge materials in any amount whatsoever, as an additive or bulking agent or for any other purpose. Sludge-derived materials may be, but are not limited to, sludge added to lime, liming agents or comonts or kiln dusts, sludge added to wood chips, sludge added to leaf compost or any composted materials or any soil materials or sludge added to any other product in any amount. These products must meet the requirements of "Process to Further Pathogens" as defined in 40 CFR 57 and Part 4-1 of the statewide Management Plan.