§ 223-8. Fees.
   A.   No fee for allocation of capacity shall be required from any individual qualifying under § 223-2A(1) and (2) of this chapter.
   B.   Every residential unit for which capacity is reserved shall be responsible for payment upon filing of the application of a fee of $150 per residential unit.
   C.   All light commercial and light industry applications shall be responsible for paying a fee equal to .125 times the square footage of the facility times 365, which fee shall be paid on an annual basis as long as the capacity is reserved, commencing with the first application.
   D.   All commercial and/or industrial facilities providing an effluent stronger than domestic sewage shall pay a fee each year for the reservation of capacity equal to the computation of said applicant's estimated pretreated strength and flow of its effluent, which amount shall be determined according to the formulas set forth in Chapter 226, Sewers, Article I, § 226-11.
   E.   Any applicant who requests either a one-year extension or two one-year extensions of reservation of his/her capacity shall pay the same as paid with the original application.