§ 220-5. Design standards.
   A.   The diameter of satellite earth station antennas (parabolic dish) shall not be greater than four meters.
   B.   The maximum height of antennas and mounting structures, measured vertically from the highest point of the antennas when positioned for operation, shall not be greater than four meters above the ground, unless said height would cause unnecessary cutting of trees, in which event, the antenna may be installed at a height not greater than six meters, with the approval of the Construction Official.
   C.   In all zoning districts, satellite earth stations shall be installed only on the ground level.
   D.   No ground level satellite earth station shall be closer than 15 feet to any side property line and no closer than 15 feet to any rear property line.
   E.   Ground level satellite earth stations shall be located in the rear yard only.
   F.   Every satellite earth station shall be effectively and permanently screened by a special planting or fence, in accordance with Chapter 137 of the Code of the Town of Hammonton entitled "Fences and Barriers," as approved by the Construction Code Official, which shall be maintained in good condition so that said satellite earth station shall not be readily visible from any adjacent property or public street.
   G.   Power and control signal cables from or to the satellite earth station shall be underground and installed in accordance with the appropriate Building Code, if any. Editor's Note: See Ch. 115, Construction Codes, Uniform.