§ 217-25. Partial repeal.
[Added 4-28-2008 by Ord. No. 14-2008]
   The provisions of this chapter shall no longer apply to any lease or rental agreement entered into on or after the effective date of this amendment. Those leases and rental agreements shall hereinafter be known as "market leases" and/or "market rental agreements," as appropriate, and rents established there under shall no longer be limited by the provisions of Chapter 217. Any leases or rental agreements in existence prior to the effective date of this amendment shall continue to be subject in all respects to the provisions of Chapter 217. However, upon the termination of occupancy by a tenant whose rent was previously governed by Chapter 217, the rental cap formerly provided by Chapter 217 shall cease to exist. Nothing contained herein shall change the status of any deed restricted affordable rental units heretofore or subsequently established in the Town of Hammonton.