§ 217-14. Inadvertent overcharge by owner; refund.
   A.   If an owner shall have discovered that he has, by inadvertence or mistake, made a charge in excess of the highest rent permissible under this chapter, the owner may, if no complaint shall theretofore have been made to the Rent Control Board by any tenant on account thereof, cure such inadvertence or mistake by tendering to each tenant affected thereby a refund of such charge with interest thereon at the rate of 9% per annum.
   B.   Should the Rent Control Board determine that a violation has occurred pursuant to Subsection A hereinabove and that the same shall not have been cured, the Rent Control Board shall certify such violation to the Town Solicitor, who shall, on behalf of each and every tenant thereby affected, sue the owner for damages, costs and fees in connection with such litigation. The Town Solicitor shall be entitled to take such other action as may be deemed necessary in accordance with the foregoing.
   C.   No owner or his agent, employee or servant, shall be liable for an unlawful act hereunder, unless such unlawful act shall clearly afford monetary benefit to the owner.