§ 204-20. Investigation and issuance; hearing upon disapproval.
[Amended 1-23-2017 by Ord. No. 001-2017]
   A.   Upon receipt of such application, the original thereof shall be referred immediately by the Town Clerk to the Chief of Police of the Town, who shall cause to be made such investigation of the applicant's business as he deems necessary for the protection of the public welfare.
   B.   Such investigation shall be completed within 21 days after receipt of such application; and said Chief shall endorse thereupon his approval or disapproval and, if disapproved, his reasons therefor, and he shall immediately notify the applicant that his application has been disapproved. The application so endorsed shall be forthwith returned to the Town Clerk. When the application is approved by the Police Chief, the applicant shall be issued a license and a parking sticker for the specified approved parking place in the case of a food truck, cart or other conveyance. When approving parking place the Police Chief shall take into consideration all laws including but not limited to those pertaining to intersections and traffic flow in the requested area. All licenses issued under Chapter 204 shall expire one year from date of issuance.
[Amended 2-24-2014 by Ord. No. 003-2014]
   C.   If the application has been disapproved by the Chief of Police, such applicant may file with the Town Clerk a request in writing for a hearing on the ruling of the Chief of Police, and the Mayor and Town Council shall then set a time and place for a hearing on such request, which hearing shall be within 14 days after receipt of the written request therefor. At such hearing the applicant shall have full and ample opportunity to present facts and circumstances to support the issuance of a license in accordance with the application, and the Mayor and Town Council shall then decide whether the applicant should receive such license.
   D.   If the applicant has been approved by the Chief of Police, he shall endorse his approval thereupon and shall promptly return it to the Town Clerk, who, upon payment of the prescribed license fee as hereinafter set forth, shall execute and deliver the license to the applicant. The Town Clerk shall keep a record of all licenses issued, the fee received and of all complaints made, if any, concerning such licensee.