§ 204-18. Application for seasonal sales vendor license.
   Any activities involving the sale of merchandise as defined under "merchandise (seasonal sales vendor)" in this article shall be required to obtain a seasonal sales license. Applicants for a licenses under this article shall file a sworn application with the Town Clerk, in duplicate. Complete applications for seasonal sales licenses must be submitted 30 days prior to the actual specified time period for conducting a seasonal sales activity. An application determined to be incomplete upon review shall be returned to the applicant. The following information shall be required and sworn to:
   A.   Name, address, and telephone number of the organization and/or business applying for a license under the provisions of this section.
   B.   Name, address, telephone number and description of those individuals to be employed by and engaged in a seasonal sales activity.
   C.   The block and lot location of the property to be utilized in conducting a seasonal sales activity.
   D.   Social security numbers and driver's license numbers of individuals of the organization and/or business, engaged in the seasonal sales.
   E.   Social security numbers and driver's license numbers of individuals engaged in seasonal sales for the organization and/or business applying for a license to conduct said activities.
   F.   The length of time for which the right to do business is desired by the organization and/ or business applying for the license, as per § 204-15 of this article, which defines seasonal sales period.
   G.   Photographs of the individuals employed by the organization and/or business applying for a license, taken within 60 days immediately prior to the filing of the application.
   H.   Fingerprints of the individuals employed by the organization and/or business applying for the license, obtained by the Chief of Police.
   I.   A statement indicating whether or not the individuals employed by the organization and/or business applying for a license have been convicted of any crime, disorderly persons offense or violation of any municipal ordinance, as well as describing the nature of the events and the punishment or penalty assessed therefor.
   J.   A list of previous licenses issued by the Town of Hammonton and other licenses which have been applied for and issued by other municipalities.
   K.   A statement that the time of seasonal sales shall be between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
   L.   Submission of a property survey of the lot(s) to be utilized to be prepared by a New Jersey licensed professional engineer or surveyor. A hand-drawn sketch plat may be submitted in lieu of a survey plat, as determined by the Town Clerk. The purpose of the survey plat and/or sketch plat is to determine if the proposed use of the property location is sufficient for the intended purpose of conducting seasonal sales. The following information must be set forth on the survey and/or sketch plat submitted:
      (1)   Location of and quantities of merchandise to be stored and displayed on the lot(s).
      (2)   Location of on-site parking, as well as off-site parking associated with the site location.
      (3)   Location of curb cut access to indicate proper ingress and egress of the site to evaluate and prevent traffic hazards, congestion or excessive interference with normal traffic movements on adjacent public streets.
      (4)   Location of Temporary signs in accordance with regulations set forth in the Zoning Code of the Town of Hammonton.
   M.   A statement that no temporary signs advertising the seasonal sales activity shall be placed on any tree, telegraph, electric, light or public utility pole or upon rocks or other natural features located within the public right-of-way; a statement that all temporary signs shall be located on the site.
   N.   A statement that no more than four temporary signs shall be created, and that temporary signs shall not exceed six square feet in area nor exceed four feet in height.
   O.   A statement that temporary signs may not be erected prior to 48 hours of the designated seasonal sales activity and must be removed within 48 hours after the time period stated and licensed for conducting a seasonal sales activity.
   P.   A statement that no sign shall be erected that is of such character, form, shape or color that it imitates or resembles any official traffic sign, signal or device, or that has any characteristics which are likely to confuse or dangerously distract the attention of the operator of a motor vehicle on a public street.
   Q.   A statement that temporary signs shall be kept in a proper state of repair, in accordance with the requirements of the Town's Building Code, Property Maintenance Code, and other pertinent regulations. Signs which fall into such a state of disrepair as to become unsightly or to pose a threat to public safety may be removed by the Town at the owner's expense under proper notification by the Town.
   R.   A statement that no temporary sign shall be erected within or project over the right-of-way of any public street or sidewalk. No temporary signs placed on the site shall be located in such a fashion that would affect the site visibility of the motoring public as determined by the Chief of Police or his designee.
   S.   A statement as to how the site shall be maintained during the designated time period, as well as a statement indicating how trash, refuse and other materials will be disposed of other than through normal solid waste collection services provided by the Town of Hammonton. All debris, materials, trash, etc., must be removed from the site within 48 hours following the expiration of the license issued by the Town of Hammonton.
   T.   A certification from the Town of Hammonton Tax Collector that all taxes have been paid and are current on the site.
   U.   Proof of registration with the New Jersey Division of Taxation and a copy of a valid certificate of authority to collect sales taxes.