§ 204-7. Filing of request.
   All charitable organizations herein who wish to solicit contributions in the roadways and highways of the Town of Hammonton shall file a request with the Town Clerk/Administrator and the Hammonton Police Department (Deputy Chief of Police), specifying the following information:
   A.   Name of organization.
   B.   Address of organization.
   C.   Telephone number of organization.
   D.   Contact person of organization.
   E.   Location of proposed charitable solicitation.
   F.   Dates and times of proposed charitable solicitation.
   G.   If said request involves a county roadway and/or highway, a copy of an authorization from the Atlantic County Board of Chosen Freeholders to permit said charitable solicitation.
   H.   If said request involves a state roadway and/or highway, a copy of an authorization from the State of New Jersey Commissioner of Transportation to permit said charitable solicitation.
   I.   List of all proposed safety regulations, safety devices and training for individuals who shall participate in the charitable solicitation and/or a report as to the procedures to be used to ensure the safety of the members of the public who will be traversing the roadways and/or highways of the Town of Hammonton.