§ 172-2. Approval of use by Board of Adjustment.
   No junkyard shall henceforth be established on any premises unless and until approval for such use is obtained from the Board of Adjustment pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70. The Board of Adjustment, in its review, shall request an opinion from the Planning Board as to the relationship of the proposed use to surrounding uses and the effect such proposed use may have on any adopted plans of the Planning Board of any long-range goals established by the Planning Board, and shall consider such items as the location of the proposed facility, size of operation, setbacks, fences, buffer areas, noise, fire hazards and drainage. No such facility shall be permitted to be established on a lot containing less than three acres. Such facility shall be set back from all property lines at least 35 feet; shall have a solid fence on all sides with a minimum height of 10 feet; and shall include plans for access to the site by at least one fifteen-foot driveway. In no case shall any junkyard be permitted to be established or maintained in any area within the limits of the Town of Hammonton other than within an industrial zone as classified by Chapter 175, Land Development.