[Amended 8-28-2023 by Ord. No. 015-2023]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I). A license shall not be transferable from person to person or usable at any place except the premises designated on the license. A license may not be used for any other machine not part of the license; provided, however, that a transfer may be applied for by the licensee for the use on another machine by the same proprietor and at the same premises. An application must first be filed, which form of application shall contain the same information as set forth in § 79-4, together with a complete statement of the reason for the transfer. A transfer fee of $10 must accompany the said application. Upon the granting of the transfer, the original license must be surrendered, and a transfer license, so designated on the face of the license, shall be issued which contains the information set forth in § 79-6. Such transfer license must at all times be kept and maintained by the licensee in the same manner as provided herein for the original license.