§ 200-11. “Adopt-a-Park” program.
[Added 8-25-2014 by Ord. No. 017-2014]
   In order to promote greater public participation in the life of the community and the operation of town facilities, there is hereby established an "Adopt-a-Park" program, to be administered under the auspices of the town's Park and Recreation Department.
   A.   Any individual citizen, group of citizens, family, civic organization, or business may apply for sponsorship of a park or area of a park within the town, taking responsibility for certain tasks aimed at maintaining the park or area of said park in a clean, attractive, safe fashion. The Town Business Manager, in consultation with the Recreation Leader, and the Board of Park Commissioners, shall develop an application covering rules for the program, and shall recommend an appropriate sponsorship fee structure to Mayor and Town Council for approval.
   B.   Approved sponsors commit to assisting the town's Public Works Department in the care and maintenance of parks by performing, at least four times each year, some or all of the following tasks, as appropriate for the area adopted:
      (1)   Removing litter and recyclable materials.
      (2)   Clearing brush and invasive plants.
      (3)   Mulching trees and garden beds.
      (4)   Planting trees, shrubs and flowers.
      (5)   Painting and minor repair of facilities and equipment.
      (6)   Care and maintenance of playground equipment.
      (7)   Care and maintenance of walking trails and tracks.
   C.   The town will supply bags and other material that will be used to maintain parks. Sponsors will perform their cleanup with appropriate clothing including rain gear and gloves.
   D.   Sponsors will be publicly recognized for their efforts through the prominent placement of a sign, to be purchased and installed by the town, declaring their sponsorship.
   E.   Upon signing a "Hold Harmless Agreement" with the Town of Hammonton, all sponsorships shall be valid for a period of five years, and shall be renewable, with the current sponsor having right of first refusal. Failure to agree to renew a sponsorship within a reasonable period of time from the individual or group to assume sponsorship of the subject park.
   F.   Each sponsor shall agree, at a minimum, to the following stipulations:
      (1)   To conduct all activities in a safe and responsible manner.
      (2)   To comply with all park rules and regulations.
      (3)   To notify the town, through the Recreation Leader, Business Administrator or Park Commission, regarding their decision to resign or not renew the sponsorship in writing.
      (4)   To supply sufficient advance notice of scheduled work to the Director of Public Works and the Recreation Leader.
      (5)   To assign a person in charge of volunteers. This "crew chief" will be responsible for signing volunteers in and out, as well as ensuring that all volunteers comply with relevant safety requirements.
      (6)   To ensure that all volunteers under the age of 18 have close and appropriate adult supervision at all times.
      (7)   To wear clothing (including shoes and gloves) appropriate for the work and weather.
      (8)   To report any and all damage to park grounds or facilities, and any accidents, to the Town Clerk within 24 hours of occurrence.
      (9)   To sign a "Hold Harmless Agreement" with the Town of Hammonton.
   G.   Individuals or groups that are unable to commit to actual work on a park may provide funding or materials as an in-kind contribution. These donations will also qualify for recognition through sign placement, although the term of acknowledgement shall carry a one-year term.