§ 48-23. Grievance procedure; repercussions.
   A.   Any person who alleges harassment by a Town employee may file a grievance with his or her immediate supervisor or, in the event that the alleged perpetrator is the supervisor, with the Town Clerk/Administrator or the supervising Council Committee Chairperson. All grievances must be made in writing and set forth specifically the alleged conduct complained of. An investigation shall be conducted by the Mayor and Council or its designated representative within 30 days of all grievances brought pursuant to this article. A written report of the investigation shall be provided within seven days of its completion to the alleged perpetrator who may accept the findings of the investigation or request a hearing before the Mayor and Council prior to the report being accepted and becoming part of the employee's personnel file.
   B.   Filing a grievance or otherwise reporting sexual harassment will not reflect upon the individual's status nor will it affect future employment.