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Sec. 18.1.  Presentation of and suits upon claims.
   (a)   All claims or demands against the City of Hamlet arising in tort shall be presented to the city council in writing, signed by the claimant, his attorney or agent, within ninety days after the claim or demand is due or the cause of action accrues, and no suit or action shall be brought thereon within thirty days or after the expiration of twelve months from the time said claim or demand is so presented. Unless the claim or demand is so presented within ninety days after the cause of action accrues, and unless suit is brought within twelve months thereafter, any action thereon shall be barred.
   (b)   No action shall be instituted against the city on account of damages to or compensation for real property taken or used by the city for any public purpose of any kind or for the ejectment of the city therefrom, or to remove a cloud upon the title thereof unless, within two years after such alleged use, the owner, his executor, administrator, guardian or next friend shall have given notice in writing to the city council of the claim, stating in the notice the date that the alleged use commenced, a description of the property alleged to have been used, and the amount of damage or compensation claimed.
   (c)   Notwithstanding the provision of subsections (a) and (b) of this section, if a complainant suffers from physical or mental incapacity that renders it impossible for him to give notice, his action shall not be barred if notice of claim is given by him or in his behalf within six months after the termination of the incapacity, provided that minority shall not of itself constitute physical or mental incapacity. If the complainant is a minor, his action shall not be barred if notice of claim is given in his behalf within three years after the happening or the infliction of the injury complained of; or, if the minor suffers from physical or mental incapacity that renders it impossible for him to give notice, his action shall not be barred if notice of claim is given in his behalf within six months after termination of the incapacity, or within three years after the happening or the infliction of the injury complained of, whichever is the longer period. The city may at any time request the appointment of a next friend to represent any person having a potential claim against the city and known to be suffering from physical or mental incapacity.