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Sec. 10.4.  Right of city to acquire property before improvement.
   From and after the time of adoption and certification to the register of deeds of any such map or maps, it shall be unlawful to build upon any land within the lines of proposed streets shown thereon or to repair or otherwise improve any existing buildings within said lines until the city council shall have been given an opportunity to purchase or otherwise acquire said property for street purposes as provided by this article. To that end, any person proposing to build upon such land or to make repairs or improvements to any existing building on such land, shall, in writing, notify the city council of the nature and estimated cost of such building, repairs, or improvements. The council shall then determine whether it will take the necessary steps to acquire said land prior to construction of said buildings or the making of said repairs or improvements. If the council fails, within sixty days from the receipt of such notice, to acquire, adopt a formal resolution directing an appropriate officer to acquire, or institute condemnation proceedings to acquire said property, then the owner or other person giving notice may proceed to erect the building or to make the repairs or improvements described in said notice. The building inspector is authorized to withhold and refrain from issuing, for a period not exceeding sixty days from receipt by the council of the notice herein prescribed, any building permit for the erection of any building within the said lines, or for the making of any repairs or improvements to existing buildings within said lines.