(A) If it is necessary and expedient that the members of the Town Council, Clerk-Treasurer, Town Attorney, and any town employees shall use their personal automobiles/vehicles and carry out the duties of their respective offices, the town officials shall be repaid for that use of a personal automobile/vehicle. For the use of the personal automobile/vehicle in the carrying out of official duties of the town officials, the town officials and employees shall be allowed the sum per mile for the use of the personal automobile/vehicle as allowed by the state for state employees or as otherwise set by resolution by the Town Council.
(B) Claims for usage shall be submitted by the official and/or employee on appropriate claim forms with the Clerk-Treasurer, such claims showing the purpose for which the personal automobile/vehicle was used, the miles driven, the date of usage and the total amount claimed. Claims for mileage shall be filed at least once each month if personal usage has occurred during the preceding month.
(Ord. 95-2, passed 5-8-95)