The Plan Commission, in the interests of public health, safety, and welfare, may amend the provisions of this chapter subject to the following restrictions:
(A) The Plan Commission shall hold a public meeting on all such proposed amendments.
(B) If the proposed amendment originates outside of the Plan Commission, the Commission must give initial approval before the public meeting is held on the proposal.
(C) Public notice of the date of the meeting shall be given at least ten days before the public meeting is held.
(D) Following the public meeting the proposed amendment may be adopted by approval of the Town Council and Plan Commission.
(E) A negative review of or failures of the Plan Commission and/or the Town Council to act on the proposal within 60 days shall indicate denial of the proposed amendment.
('88 Code, § 10-14-1) (Ord. 82-5, passed 4-26-82; Am. Ord. 94-2, passed 4-4-94)