(A)   As to any ordinance violation complaints filed by the city or by its police officers with the Clerk of the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Illinois, Carthage, at any time after the effective date of this chapter for any violation of any of the city’s ordinances, except those listed in § 32.03, the Circuit Clerk is hereby authorized to accept a guilty plea thereon by the defendant, in consideration of the payment of a fine of $25 plus court costs of $10 for a total of $35, without the necessity of the defendant appearing in open court thereon, and the said Circuit Clerk is authorized to accept said guilty plea and waiver of trial hereinafter mentioned either by mail or in person, in the Clerk’s office, from the defendant.
   (B)   City ordinance violation complaints provided the defendant by any city police officer shall contain a notice that the defendant may enter a plea of guilty by mail unless the ticket is marked “must appear in court,” and tickets provided to defendants and offenders shall contain the following notice:
Unless the front side of this ticket is marked “X MUST APPEAR IN COURT,” you may enter a plea of “Guilty” without a court appearance by delivering (in person or by agent or attorney) or mailing to the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county in which the violation occurred, not earlier than 5 court days after arrest (exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) and not later than 3 court days (exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) before the date you are directed to report to the court, your written plea of “Guilty” and pay the prescribed fine and costs, City ordinances provided that offenses which do not require a court appearance may be satisfied by a written plea of guilty and payment of a fine in the amount of $25, plus costs of $10 (total $35). If cash bail was posted the Clerk will apply the amount to payment of the fine and costs, ff a driver’s license or bond certificate was deposited, the full amount of the fine and costs must be paid to the Clerk before the Clerk may return the driver’s license or bond certificate.
Payment of fine and costs remitted to the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall be in the form of cash, money order, certified bank check, or travelers’ checks issued by major banks or express companies.
   (C)   Also on the violator’s copy of the ticket, the following appearance, plea of guilty, and waiver shall appear:
I, the undersigned, do hereby enter my appearance on the complaint of the offense charged on the other side of this ticket. I have been informed of my right to a trial, that my signature to this plea of guilty will have the same force and effect as a judgment of Court. I do hereby PLEAD GUILTY to said offense as charged, WAIVE my right to a HEARING by the Court, and agree to pay the penalty prescribed for my offense.
   Defendant’s Signature
   (D)   This section shall not apply to the following violations, and all of same shall be marked “must appear in court:”
      (1)   All city ordinances defining offenses comparable to the following:
         (a)   Fleeing or attempting to elude police officers;
         (b)   Leaving the scene of an accident involving death or injury to persons;
         (c)   Leaving the scene of an accident involving vehicle damage;
         (d)   Failure to give aid or information;
         (e)   Failure to give notice after collision with an unattended vehicle;
         (f)   Making a false report;
         (g)   Driving under the influence of liquor or drugs;
         (h)   Reckless driving;
         (i)   Drag racing;
         (j)   Speeding when more than 30 mph over the posted limit;
         (k)   Refusal to stop and submit vehicle and load to weighing after being directed to do so by an officer or removal of load prior to weighing;
         (l)   Any traffic offense which results in an accident causing the death of any person or injury to any person other than the accused; and
         (m)   Any conservation offense.
      (2)   The charging of any offense in violation of any statute of the state; and
      (3)   Any offense for which a court appearance is required by Supreme Court Rule 526, 529, or 551.
(Prior Code, Chapter 22, § 14) (Ord. 23 (Series 1979-1980), passed - -)