(A)   Term of office. There is hereby created the office of City Attorney, who shall hold his or her office for one year or until his or her successor shall be elected and qualified.
   (B)   Election. He or she shall be elected at the first regular meeting of the Council in May of each year or as soon thereafter as may be practicable.
   (C)   Security bond. The City Attorney, before entering upon the duties of his or her office, shall execute a bond to the city in the sum of $1,000 with such sureties as the Council shall approve and conditioned as provided by law.
   (D)   Assigned duties. He or she shall draft such ordinances as may be required by him or her by the Council or by any member thereof. He or she shall draw any deeds, leases, contracts, or other papers required by the business of the city when requested to do so by the Mayor or any member of the Council. He or she shall, when requested to do so, furnish written opinions upon subjects submitted to him or her by the Mayor, the Council, or by any member thereof and shall conduct all the legal business of the city. He or she shall be charged with the prosecution of all action for violations of the ordinances of the city and with the conduct of all cases in courts of justice. He or she shall institute action in every case where there has been a violation of any city ordinance when instructed to do so by the Council or any committee thereof or upon the complaint of any person when, in his or her judgment, the public interest requires the same shall be prosecuted. He or she shall perform such other duties usually incidental to the office of City Attorney as may be required by the Mayor or any member of the City Council. Whenever, in the opinion of the Mayor, the interests of the city may require it, assistant counsel may be employed at the expense of the city.
   (E)   Duties not assigned. This section shall not be intended, however, to require the City Attorney to do the legal work in connection with the Board of Local Improvements or the legal work in connection with any improvement to be paid for by special assessment.
   (F)   Salary. The City Attorney shall receive a salary of $210 per month, payable monthly.
(Prior Code, Chapter 4, Article 7)