(A) Security bond. The City Clerk, before entering upon the duties of his or her office, shall execute to the city a bond in the penal sum of $4,000 with such sureties as the Council may approve, conditioned as provided by law.
(B) Statutory duties. The duties of the City Clerk shall be those prescribed by the state statutes and such others as shall be imposed upon him or her by the ordinances of said city.
(C) Records. The City Clerk shall, under the direction of the Chairperson of the Committee on Finances and Auditing, open and keep in a neat and methodical manner a complete set of books in which, among other things, shall be set forth the appropriations of the fiscal year for every distinct object and expenditure and also the receipt from every source of revenue so far as he or she can ascertain the same. Said books and all contracts, bonds, deeds, warrants, vouchers, and other papers kept in said office shall be subject to the examination of all members of the Council and all city officers.
(D) Warrants of Treasurer. He or she shall keep, in a suitable book, an accurate list of all warrants drawn upon the City Treasurer showing the date of and amount of each and the name of the person in whose favor drawn. All warrants drawn upon the Treasurer shall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk and shall specify therein the particular fund or appropriation to which the same is chargeable and the person to whom payable, and no money shall be otherwise paid than upon such warrants so drawn.
(E) Funds and appropriations. Whenever any appropriation or fund is exhausted, the Clerk shall, without delay, notify the Council thereof, and he or she shall not thereafter draw any warrant against such fund or appropriation until the same shall be renewed. It shall be the duty of said Clerk to transfer and place to the credit of the General Fund all unexpended balances or appropriations remaining at the close of the fiscal year.
(F) Public improvements. Said Clerk shall keep in his or her office a correct list of all public improvements ordered by the Council and let under a contract by the city, and all contracts and specifications therefor made by the authority of the Council or by any officer of the corporation pursuant thereto, in relation to such improvements, shall be filed in the Clerk’s office.
(G) Licenses. All licenses, when issued, shall be entered by the Clerk, without fee, in a book to be kept by him or her for that purpose, the name of each person licensed, for what purpose licensed, and the date and number of the license, the amount paid for the same, and the time of the expiration thereof.
(H) Monthly statement. The Clerk shall, on or before the first Monday in each and every month, make out and submit to the Council a statement or report, in writing, of all monies received and warrants drawn by him or her during the preceding month, showing therein from what source and on what account said monies were received and for what purpose and on what account said warrants were drawn or ordered.
(I) Annual report. Said Clerk shall, within 20 days after the beginning of the fiscal year in each year, make out an annual report giving a detailed statement of all the receipts and revenues of said city during the preceding fiscal year. Said report shall also detail the resources and liabilities of the city, the condition of all appropriations and contracts unfulfilled, the balance of money then remaining in the treasury with all sums due and outstanding, and all other matters necessary to exhibit the true financial condition of the city, which report, when examined and approved by the Chairperson of the Committee on Finances and Auditing, shall be filed.
(J) Office hours. The hours of the City Office of the City Clerk shall be from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. local time, Monday through Friday.
(K) Expense estimate. In addition to his or her other duties, the said Clerk shall, on request of the City Council, on or before May 15 in each year and before the annual appropriations are made by the Council, submit to said Council a statement of his or her estimates as nearly as may be of money necessary to defray the expenses of the corporation during the current fiscal year. He or she shall, in said report, classify the different objects and branches of expenditure, giving the amount required for each as nearly as may be, and for the purpose of making such report, he or she is authorized to require of all city officers statements of the condition and expenses of their respective offices or departments with any proposed improvements and the probable expense thereof, and he or she shall give therein such other information to the Council or its members as may be necessary to the end that said Council may fully understand the money exigencies and demands upon the city for the current year. In addition to his or her other duties, he or she shall keep a record in a separate journal, showing certified copies of all ordinances passed by the Council.
(L) Collection. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to collect all sums of money now due and owing to said city or which shall become due and owing to said city on sales of lots in the city cemetery (known as the Greenwood Cemetery), on water rents, for the construction of sidewalks and all special assessments, rents from city property, back taxes, licenses, or any other money which shall become due in any other manner except by judgment of court, and he or she shall, immediately upon collection of any city revenue, pay the same over to the City Treasurer.
(M) Keeping seal, records. Said Clerk shall be the keeper of the corporate seal of said city; he or she shall prepare all commissions, licenses, permits, and other official documents required to be issued by him or her under the laws and the ordinances of the city; and he or she shall, when necessary, attest all instruments with the corporate seal of said city. He or she shall carefully preserve in his office all books, records, papers, deeds, maps, and effects of every description belonging to the city and appertaining to said office, and upon expiration in any way of his or her official term, he or she shall, on demand, deliver all such books, records, papers, and effects to his or her successor in office and shall perform such other duties appertaining to his or her office as may be required by the ordinances of said city or by the state law.
(N) Salary. Beginning May 1, 2021, the salary of the City Clerk shall be $1,200 per year.
(Prior Code, Chapter 4, Article 5) ( Ord. 21 (Series 1990-1991), passed 5-20-1991; Ord. 6 (Series 1996-1997), passed 9-3-1996; Ord. 6 (Series 2020-2021), passed 10-5-2020)