(A)   Billboard and sign boards subject to the following restrictions.
      (1)   No billboard or sign board shall be located within 400 feet of any “R” District.
      (2)   No billboard or sign board shall contain more than 300 square feet of surface area nor exceed in height 25 feet above the average grade.
      (3)   Billboards or sign boards may have constant or flashing illumination, provided that any such sign located in the direct line of vision of any traffic control signaling device shall not have contrasting or flashing intermittent illumination of red, green, or amber color. Where a sign is illuminated by light reflected upon it, direct rays of light shall not project upon any part of any existing state or federal highway right-of-way or existing residential structure in any “R” District.
   (B)   SIGNS, defined as follows:
      (1)   Signs accessory to roadside stands shall be limited to two per lot with no sign larger than 40 square feet and set back 30 feet from the right-of-way. Such signs shall be less than 15 feet in height and pertain to agricultural products offered for sale and identification of such stand;
      (2)   A real estate sign of a temporary nature, not exceeding two in number per lot nor exceeding 40 square feet in area. Such signs shall be 15 feet or less in height and set back 30 feet from any highway, street, or road right-of-way;
      (3)   Small announcement signs not exceeding four square feet in area placed no closer than 20 feet from any right-of-way. An announcement sign or bulletin board not over 12 square feet in area, set back 20 feet from any right-of-way, may be erected in connection with any non-residential permitted principal use in the “A-1,” Agricultural District; and
      (4)   A sign or signs flat against the building appertaining to a nonconforming use on the premises, not exceeding in the aggregated 50 square feet in area, except as may be authorized by the City Council.
   (C)   Temporary buildings and uses for construction purposes for a period not to exceed one year.
(Prior Code, Chapter 24, Article 11, § 3)