(A)   Height regulations. No building shall exceed four stories or 60 feet in height, except as otherwise provided in § 156.221 hereof.
(Prior Code, Chapter 24, Article 8A, § 7)
   (B)   Area regulations.
      (1)   Front yard. No front yard is required unless a block is partly in an “R,” Residential District and partly in the “B-2,” Business Commercial/Residential District; in which event, the front yard regulations of the “R,” Residential District shall apply.
      (2)   Side yard. A side yard is not required except on the side of a lot adjoining an “R,” Residential District; in which case, there shall be a yard of not less than five feet.
      (3)   Rear yard. No rear yard shall be required except where a lot abuts on an “R,” Residential District; in which event, there shall be a rear yard of not less than ten feet.
(Prior Code, Chapter 24, Article 8A, § 8)
(Ord. 12 (Series 1990-1991), passed 12-3-1990)