Principal uses include:
   (A)   The sale of retail goods (such as hardware, food, wearing apparel, home furnishings, books, jewelry), cafes, and restaurants;
   (B)   Business and professional offices including banks; medical, dental, and chiropractic clinics; and veterinary clinics without open kennels;
   (C)   The sale of services such as barber shops, beauty parlors, bicycle repair, appliance repair, photography studios, plumbing shops, tailoring, shoe repair, upholstery repair, undertaking establishments, food storage locker, and business, dancing, or music schools;
   (D)   Recreational uses such as bowling alleys, billiard parlors, and game arcades when conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building; and
   (E)   Other retail uses similar in bulk, scale, and intensity.
(Prior Code, Chapter 24, Article 8A, § 3) (Ord. 12 (Series 1990-1991), passed 12-3-1990)