(A)   Height regulations.
      (1)   No two-family detached residential dwelling in the “R-3,” Residential District shall exceed two and one-half stories or 35 feet in height.
      (2)   No single-family attached dwelling (row house or town house) or multi-family dwelling in the “R-3,” Residential District shall exceed three stories for 45 feet in height.
(Prior Code, Chapter 24, Article 6, § 6)
   (B)   Area regulations.
      (1)   Front yard.
         (a)   There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 20 feet.
         (b)   Where lots have a double frontage, the required front yard shall be provided on both streets.
         (c)   Where a lot is located at the intersection of two or more streets, there shall be a front yard on each side street of a corner lot; provided, however, the buildable width of a lot of record at the time of passage of this chapter need not be reduced to less than 35 feet except where necessary to provide a yard along a side street with a depth of not less than five feet. No accessory building shall project beyond the front yard line on either street.
      (2)   Side yard. Except as provided for in § 156.221, there shall be a side yard on each side of a building having a width of not less than five feet or 10% of the average width of the lot, whichever amount is smaller; provided, no side yard shall have a width of less than three feet.
      (3)   Rear yard. Except as provided for in § 156.221 hereof:
         (a)   Lots on which a two-family detached dwelling, single-family attached dwelling (row house or town house), fraternity, sorority, lodge, or rooming house is situated shall have a rear yard of not less than 30 feet or 20% of the depth of the lot, whichever amount is smaller; and
         (b)   Lots on which a multi-family dwelling is situated shall have a rear yard of not less than 20 feet.
(Prior Code, Chapter 24, Article 6, § 7)