§ 31.06 RESIDENCE.
   (A)   Except as provided herein, all full-time employees and full-time appointed officers of the city are required to reside within the state and within five miles of the city limits of the city at the time of their initial employment or appointment and are further required to maintain such physical resident status, physically residing within five miles of the city limits, at all times during the tenure of their employment or office with the city.
   (B)   Except as provided herein, division (A) above shall apply to all full-time employees and full-time appointed officers of the city in all departments including full-time department heads.
   (C)   If, at any time, any full-time employee or full-time appointed officer moves his or her place of residence in violation of this requirement, then such employee’s or officer’s position or office shall become vacant.
   (D)   This section shall not require the termination or create a vacancy in office or position of any full-time employee or officer who is currently, at the date of the adoption of this section, not in compliance, so long as such employee or officer continues to reside at the location where such employee or officer physically resided at the time of the adoption of this ordinance. In the event any such full-time employee or appointed officer not in compliance with the requirements of this section changes the location of his or her residence or the place where he or she physically resides, then the position or office of such employee or appointed officer shall become vacant.
(Ord. 10 (Series 2014-2015), passed 4-20-2015)